Thursday, April 30, 2009

Banned for calling it like I see it / 5-3 win / Black heart

HAHAHA. I've been banned from a certain community (which I joined only for the drama / snark) for calling someone a creep. Hey, I call it like I see it! I understand that there are rules, but "creep" is hardly a personal attack! This especially applies if the poster said that he was much older than his partner, AND thinks that there's something inside her which will make her like sex clubs. There was something in there about how sex clubs would increase trust: YEAH RIGHT! Oh well, I still stand by what I said!

The Canucks won 5-3 against the Blackhawks... YAY! Helped Andrew with school stuff / UBC applications, as well: grammar, science, biology, redundancy, geology, "the wonder life," proofreading for friends, chemistry, physics, and more! Talked to Corey about haircuts, showers, lights going out, and some more stuff too.

Facebook quizzes taken from Robin, Morgana, Kaitlin, and Candy:

Leslie just took the "What Marvel superhero are you?" quiz and the result is Captain America. Strong and proficient, you are the ultimate soldier and ultimate patriot. Honor bound, you've taken it upon yourself to defend your people. Reserved and a great leader, you take on the world one problem at a time.

Leslie just took the "Which Celtic Deity or Hero Are You?" quiz and the result is Goibniu. You are connected to Goibniu, one of the three Irish gods of art, who could forge the most magnificent and magical weapons ever known. What he makes, lasts forever. When he speaks, thunder rumbles and from what the Irish say, the stars are all sparks from his heavy clanging anvil. He is the Great Smith, who transforms and strikes the soul like lightning, with a power to cleanse, temper, and re-forge. Smiths are the alchemists who know the secrets of Life, and the craftsmen who make manifest the patterns of Life. He takes the old and reuses it, fitting it to what is needed most. In this sense, Goibniu holds the key to long life and health. He just gets on with things! Goibniu rules over all smithcraft and metalworking, the purifying and transforming power of fire (the forge), air (the bellows), water (to cool, solidify and help temper), and earth (the iron or metal) all coming together in unison, as well as things like thorns, mead, storms, thunder and lightning, and invincibility.

Leslie just took the "What does your mind look like?" quiz and the result is The Deep Ocean. Your mind is like The Deep Ocean. You are always active, but aren't easy to get to know. Once people do, they see a clever but relaxed person. Many people look up to you: you're a hard worker, don't waste time, and are loyal to those close to you.

Leslie just took the "What kind of muscle car are you" quiz and the result is 1968 Dodge Charger. Your car is a powerhouse for muscle! You are not everyone's first choice, but you are the fastest!

Leslie just took the "How Metal Are You?" quiz and the result is sorta. Eh... you need to go to a show, and go to Hot Topic more often. (Ew, I don't think I'd ever go to Hot Topic!)

Leslie just took the "What color is your heart?" quiz and the result is Black. You don't care. You do what you want, and don't give much of a thought to what people might think about it. You have a creative side, and want to be left alone with it. If you could spend your life in a dark room writing or reading, you would. Some might call you Emo or Goth.

Leslie just took the "What mythological creature are you?" quiz and the result is Cerberus. Location: Greece *************** In Greek mythology, Cerberus or Kerberos was the hound of Hades, a monstrous three-headed dog with a snake for a tail and snakes down his back like a mane, whose analogs in other cultures are hellhounds. Cerberus guarded the gate to Hades and ensured that spirits of the dead could enter, but none could exit. Religiously, Cerberus represents protective people.

Leslie just took the "WHICH HISTORICAL PERSON ARE YOU?" quiz and the result is Alexander the Great. Your dreams lead you through life. You imagine something, and it happens. The strength of your charisma is big as the strength of your spirit. Your military skills are unmatched, and your soldiers are both your friends and your brothers. But sometimes we want more than we can take.

Leslie just took the "What Rock Song Are You?" quiz and the result is the Avenged Sevenfold song Bat Country. You are just awesome. END OF STORY.

Leslie just took the "Which AC/DC song are you?" quiz and the result is For Those About to Rock (We Salute You). Stand up and be counted! You are a soldier for Rock and Roll. A proud rocker who would die before going emo or anything else! You roll tonight to the guitar bite! We Salute You!!!

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