Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marinating chicken and storing Dallas' stuff

High-scoring word of the night so far:

JERIDS (411 points) - against Peg P. [2W, 4W, 3W, hook off FERN for a plural]

Took out various things that needed to go into the garbage, and consequently missed a call from my brother. Says Dallas is moving, and probably will need my place as somewhere to store stuff... kinda like last year exactly at this time, only he won't come back suddenly because of a scholarship after about a week or so! Sounds fine to me even if it is for a few months, haha! I fielded his email at midnight, but he called half an hour later - he's coming at 1 AM or thereabouts. So much for sleeping early!

Edit at 0130: Jon came by with four heavy boxes (one for a printer), and a heavy large blue suitcase with wheels. Laughed over socks and nothing, hahaha.

[20:53:23] Flami: learning about martyrs: I'm looking up recipes on the Internet
[21:17:10] Corey: for what?
[21:33:43] Flami: chicken breast
[21:35:21] Corey: well, what do you have around to use with it?
[21:35:44] Corey: just marinating it in some soy sauce and throwing in a little bit of seasoning is easy
[21:36:16] Corey: if you have spaghetti sauce, cheese, and maybe some pasta, you can make a pretty decent meal
[21:55:48] Flami: I have soy sauce and salt. and pepper.
[21:56:07] Corey: seasonings and sauces would be the main thing to look at, then you can easily make noodles or rice or something to go with it
[21:56:30] Corey: that's everything? :P well, use 'em all, that'll work
[21:58:43] Corey: thaw the chicken out first, then put some soy sauce on it (I like to cut it up first.. the inside doesn't get dried out if it's in chunks), and I guess you could salt and pepper it then, too. you can cook it in the microwave from there, which is faster and if and only if it's cut up first, it should come out pretty well... do it on like 60-80% power for 6 minutes or so, and check it.. cut one in half and make sure it's cooked through, and if not, do it for a few more minutes. too much is better than too little with chicken.. you don't want it undercooked

Facebook quizzes taken from Karla and Jennifer:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which book character are you?" with the result Holden from The Catcher In The Rye. You always complain about the things happening around you, and you are never satisfied with them. You like to criticize people, and you hate phoniness. Even though you don't clearly show it, you are sensitive and intellectual. Little things in life provoke you to think, and you are actually very creative!

Leslie completed the quiz "What kind of crazy are you" with the result Depression. You would be depression - it take a bulldozer to pull you out of bed in the morning. You'd just as soon sit half-asleep in the couch watching reruns of old game shows as get out of the house and go to work or school.

Leslie completed the quiz "Which is your SEXIEST feature?" with the result Eyes. Your eyes give off natural sparkle which captures people's attention. Use this to create sparks with the opposite sex. You're a cutie! (Ha ha. This doesn't work - I've tried! :P)

Poo nugget for Wednesday, Apr. 29: Dr. Stool Says - The Effects of Antibiotics - The use of antibiotics upsets the natural balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria in our intestines. The overgrowth of a specific bacterium in the colon called Clostridium difficile results in inflammation of the colonic lining. It causes profuse diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. Medical treatment comes in the form of a different type of antibiotic that specifically attacks Clostridium difficile.

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