Thursday, February 19, 2009

Condescending World Vision people are ANNOYING!

High-scoring words of the evening so far:

SUBWAY (356 points; 4W, 5W, hook off NOON for a plural), DITZIER (880 points; 5W, two 4W, 2L on Z) - against Luella R.
NEEDIER (160 points) - against Alice P. [4W, 2W]
RECOLOR (250 points) - against Janet H. [two 5W] (a good deficit-erasing word!)
BITTER (110 points) - against Susan H. [5W, hook off BIT to make BITT, hook off FA to make FAT]

Had a very annoying experience just now. A World Vision door-to-door person knocked on my door, and proceeded to call me "dear" as he explained what his organization was about. I had to tell him that I wasn't interested, and closed the door firmly behind me. Now, I have no beef against World Vision - as I believe it's a good cause - but honestly. You do NOT condescend to me! Stupid people! I should just have pretended not to have been home...

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