Bzoink shuffle meme: SESAME STREET and restaurants!
High-scoring word of the day so far:
ARENA (125 points) - against Colin W. [two 5W]
Jon and I just chatted on Gmail: I never knew you could make your text bold by putting it between asterisks! Sweet stuff! Apparently, we're having lunch with Harmony's parents tomorrow after church - it'll be interesting later with the wedding reception and the weather. GO AWAY, SNOW!
Here is the weekend's poo nugget: How can you be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time? A phenomenon called "overflow diarrhea" occurs when watery stool leaks around an impacted bolus of stool. Typically occurring in patients with fecal impaction, a condition in which a hard bolus of stool plugs up the rectum and prevents passage of normal bowel movements, this form of diarrhea can mislead physicians to prescribe anti-diarrheal medications, thereby worsening the underlying constipation.
Hey, here's an interesting shuffle meme which I have NOT done before! I'll use Corey's DVD for this, of course. Stolen from Amanda:
Music Lyrics Shuffle Survey
Song #1:
Artist: Voodoo Glow Skulls
Title: Bossman
What is the very first lyric in the song?: Hurry up, punch in.
Is that lyric significant to you in any way?: No.
What is the fourth line of the song?: Don't try to smile, coz he'll turn it into hatred.
Does that line make you think of a certain person?: Yes, unfortunately.
What is your favorite lyric in this song?: Pucker up and kiss his butt.
Song #2:
Artist: Children of Bodom
Title: Children of Decadence
What is the last lyric of the song?: We're slowly dying.
Replace the second word of that lyric with the word "potato".: We're POTATO dying. What the...
What is the ninth line of the song?: You wanna get closer and get a taste of death?
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street?: Sesame Street would be about execution. Definitely not for the kiddies then!
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest?: Don't try to come to preach over us and over me.
Song #3:
Artist: Operation Ivy
Title: Healthy Body
What is the chorus of this song?: Healthy body sick mind / You're working overtime / Healthy body sick mind / Too hectic, too hectic / Healthy body sick mind
If someone you like sang the chorus to you, would it be romantic?: ... HAHAHA. No, definitely not!
Replace the tenth word of the song with the word "beast": Expensive vitamin pills and wheat germ on your windowsill / BEAST schedule's hectic and you've got no time to kill.
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for?: Any movie that's about getting healthy!
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Paranoid. Not that I think it's a good name, but it's the best out of the alternatives!
Song #4:
Artist: Ministry
Title: Lava
What is the first lyric in this song?: Hot lava / Big Monkey flow / Chokin' on a color / Floating down like a rain ("Oh yeah")
What if your opinion of the entire song was based on that one lyric?: OH NO! It's the PSYCHEDELIC SONG!
What lyric reminds you most of one of your exes?: Make rotten grey matter / Not spoiled like the child who pops them two at a time
What if your #2 on Myspace quoted the last lyric of the song to you?: Candy says the above lyrics. I wonder if she's telling me that I shouldn't do that. (which I don't, by the way)
If this song title was a movie title, what would the movie be about?: Volcanoes, pills, and color.
Song #5:
Artist: Jack off Jill
Title: Girl Scout
What is the most offensive / vulgar lyric in this song?: Fucked by a star.
What if the 1st word in the song title was replaced with the word "hooker": Hooker Scout - HAHA! Oh man. Priceless!
What is the tenth line of the song?: To sacrifice what I believe.
Does that lyric remind you of a situation you've been in?: Yes, which is too bad.
Does this song have a deep meaning, or is it just straightforward?: I think it's straightforward. Then again, what do I know?
Song #6:
Artist: Misfits
Title: Static Age
What if your last name was included in the song title?: The only way it would work is if it were the first word of the new song title.
What is the fifth line in the song?: We're all blue from projection tubes.
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial?: That would be perfect!
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song?: We're on a video rage.
Why is that your favorite?: Because it's true... we ARE all consumed by videos at least part of the time!
Song #7:
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Title: Happiness in Slavery
What if the 1st word in the artist name was replaced with the word "poop": Poop Inch Nails... hmm. Dunno...
What is the funniest lyric in this song?: Human junk... just words and so much skin.
What is the eighth lyric in this song?: Slave screams... he spends his life learning conformity.
What if there was a restaurant named from the first and fifth word of that lyric: Slave His... that doesn't really make sense. Maybe the first and sixth words, but then who would want to go to such a restaurant?
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song?: Nope.
Song #8:
Artist: Ministry
Title: Worm
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song?: That wouldn't be a good song. It wouldn't suit him at ALL.
What is the chorus of this song?: On and on and on and on... it goes on and on and on and on.
What if your #5 Myspace friend called you and sang the chorus to you?: If Kaitlin did that, I'd wonder what kind of drama was going on in her life!
What is the last lyric in the song?: It's like living in a house that's haunted every day...
Is that the best lyric in the song?: No... that would have to be Knife cuts through all that I wanted every day
Song #9:
Artist: GWAR
Title: Captain Crunch
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book?: Nope.
What is the twelfth line in this song?: You enter the sex plague...
Do you even like that lyric at all?: Meh... not too much, no.
Do you know all the words to this song?: Definitely not.
What kind of mood does this song put you in?: A silly one, kinda.
Song #10:
Artist: Cradle of Filth
Title: Queen of Winter, Throned
Replace the third word in the title with the word "beaver": Queen of BEAVER, Throned - hmm. Has a slightly sexy ring to it, heh.
What is the seventh line in this song?: What sweet music they make...
Does that lyric bring up any memories?: Memories of Band class...
Would this song be good in a movie's fight scene?: Maybe if it were a very LONG fight scene...
What is your favorite lyric in this song?: Blessed be these spells of winter unto us that wait with patience in this secret garden to storm our way into another as yes undone...
Take This Survey | Search Surveys | MySpace Surveys
Survey found on Bzoink
ARENA (125 points) - against Colin W. [two 5W]
Jon and I just chatted on Gmail: I never knew you could make your text bold by putting it between asterisks! Sweet stuff! Apparently, we're having lunch with Harmony's parents tomorrow after church - it'll be interesting later with the wedding reception and the weather. GO AWAY, SNOW!
Here is the weekend's poo nugget: How can you be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time? A phenomenon called "overflow diarrhea" occurs when watery stool leaks around an impacted bolus of stool. Typically occurring in patients with fecal impaction, a condition in which a hard bolus of stool plugs up the rectum and prevents passage of normal bowel movements, this form of diarrhea can mislead physicians to prescribe anti-diarrheal medications, thereby worsening the underlying constipation.
Hey, here's an interesting shuffle meme which I have NOT done before! I'll use Corey's DVD for this, of course. Stolen from Amanda:
Music Lyrics Shuffle Survey
Song #1:
Artist: Voodoo Glow Skulls
Title: Bossman
What is the very first lyric in the song?: Hurry up, punch in.
Is that lyric significant to you in any way?: No.
What is the fourth line of the song?: Don't try to smile, coz he'll turn it into hatred.
Does that line make you think of a certain person?: Yes, unfortunately.
What is your favorite lyric in this song?: Pucker up and kiss his butt.
Song #2:
Artist: Children of Bodom
Title: Children of Decadence
What is the last lyric of the song?: We're slowly dying.
Replace the second word of that lyric with the word "potato".: We're POTATO dying. What the...
What is the ninth line of the song?: You wanna get closer and get a taste of death?
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street?: Sesame Street would be about execution. Definitely not for the kiddies then!
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest?: Don't try to come to preach over us and over me.
Song #3:
Artist: Operation Ivy
Title: Healthy Body
What is the chorus of this song?: Healthy body sick mind / You're working overtime / Healthy body sick mind / Too hectic, too hectic / Healthy body sick mind
If someone you like sang the chorus to you, would it be romantic?: ... HAHAHA. No, definitely not!
Replace the tenth word of the song with the word "beast": Expensive vitamin pills and wheat germ on your windowsill / BEAST schedule's hectic and you've got no time to kill.
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for?: Any movie that's about getting healthy!
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Paranoid. Not that I think it's a good name, but it's the best out of the alternatives!
Song #4:
Artist: Ministry
Title: Lava
What is the first lyric in this song?: Hot lava / Big Monkey flow / Chokin' on a color / Floating down like a rain ("Oh yeah")
What if your opinion of the entire song was based on that one lyric?: OH NO! It's the PSYCHEDELIC SONG!
What lyric reminds you most of one of your exes?: Make rotten grey matter / Not spoiled like the child who pops them two at a time
What if your #2 on Myspace quoted the last lyric of the song to you?: Candy says the above lyrics. I wonder if she's telling me that I shouldn't do that. (which I don't, by the way)
If this song title was a movie title, what would the movie be about?: Volcanoes, pills, and color.
Song #5:
Artist: Jack off Jill
Title: Girl Scout
What is the most offensive / vulgar lyric in this song?: Fucked by a star.
What if the 1st word in the song title was replaced with the word "hooker": Hooker Scout - HAHA! Oh man. Priceless!
What is the tenth line of the song?: To sacrifice what I believe.
Does that lyric remind you of a situation you've been in?: Yes, which is too bad.
Does this song have a deep meaning, or is it just straightforward?: I think it's straightforward. Then again, what do I know?
Song #6:
Artist: Misfits
Title: Static Age
What if your last name was included in the song title?: The only way it would work is if it were the first word of the new song title.
What is the fifth line in the song?: We're all blue from projection tubes.
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial?: That would be perfect!
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song?: We're on a video rage.
Why is that your favorite?: Because it's true... we ARE all consumed by videos at least part of the time!
Song #7:
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Title: Happiness in Slavery
What if the 1st word in the artist name was replaced with the word "poop": Poop Inch Nails... hmm. Dunno...
What is the funniest lyric in this song?: Human junk... just words and so much skin.
What is the eighth lyric in this song?: Slave screams... he spends his life learning conformity.
What if there was a restaurant named from the first and fifth word of that lyric: Slave His... that doesn't really make sense. Maybe the first and sixth words, but then who would want to go to such a restaurant?
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song?: Nope.
Song #8:
Artist: Ministry
Title: Worm
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song?: That wouldn't be a good song. It wouldn't suit him at ALL.
What is the chorus of this song?: On and on and on and on... it goes on and on and on and on.
What if your #5 Myspace friend called you and sang the chorus to you?: If Kaitlin did that, I'd wonder what kind of drama was going on in her life!
What is the last lyric in the song?: It's like living in a house that's haunted every day...
Is that the best lyric in the song?: No... that would have to be Knife cuts through all that I wanted every day
Song #9:
Artist: GWAR
Title: Captain Crunch
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book?: Nope.
What is the twelfth line in this song?: You enter the sex plague...
Do you even like that lyric at all?: Meh... not too much, no.
Do you know all the words to this song?: Definitely not.
What kind of mood does this song put you in?: A silly one, kinda.
Song #10:
Artist: Cradle of Filth
Title: Queen of Winter, Throned
Replace the third word in the title with the word "beaver": Queen of BEAVER, Throned - hmm. Has a slightly sexy ring to it, heh.
What is the seventh line in this song?: What sweet music they make...
Does that lyric bring up any memories?: Memories of Band class...
Would this song be good in a movie's fight scene?: Maybe if it were a very LONG fight scene...
What is your favorite lyric in this song?: Blessed be these spells of winter unto us that wait with patience in this secret garden to storm our way into another as yes undone...
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Labels: 2009, amanda, bzoink, colin, gmail, kaitlin, lyrics, maxed-out tags limit, myspace, page-a-day, poo, shuffle, snow, songs, stephen, surveys, vivian s., water, words, wordscraper
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