Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mail is NOT a cold, Grandma!

Did some late birthday cards along with Christmas cards, and went out early after I called Eric to let him know that he didn't need to pick me up - he was staying home anyhow. Traffic was really bad, but apparently it was Oval Opening Day, which Jon and I didn't know about. I went with Grandma to Yaohan while Jon taught at Tom Lee, because she wanted to buy oranges and skim milk for her stay at a family friend's house. She also ended up buying me Pocky, plus some butter biscuits. (I made her wait while I bought a calling card with Jon's money at HARMONY Video!) Afterwards, we battled the heavy rain into Vancouver. We heard that the LOW in Regina was supposed to be -27 degrees... what the heck did I sign up for?!

Jon had to stop by the post office, but Grandma thought that he either wanted to buy stuff or go to the washroom! Hahahaha! Then we tried translating: that didn't go so well, since she was then under the impression that he had a cold and wanted to buy medicine for it! "Why didn't you buy it at Yaohan instead of 7-11?!" Eventually, we managed to get through to her that he was mailing stuff, heh. Went for dinner, and discussed Elaine and Matt's wedding reception at the old Honbo restaurant, now called Prince. Had some coffee after dropping Grandma off - yes, I like caffeine.

Jon said "my mom" instead of "Mom" twice tonight to ME, and also did something not very safe that number of times. But things were all right - phew! Went to church, where I gave away some of the cards. The missions sharing was fine - a guy with no arms or legs, creative Mongolia, hospice chaplain, and translation mixups were cool. Everyone thought we had flown out already, heh. Vivian and Karen said to bundle up - oh yeah. Long underwear, a LOT of clothing / socks, toques, mittens, and scarves will all be part of my apparel when I leave! Talked to Chris, Christon, Jeremy (amusing himself with offering envelopes), Vanessa, Cindy, Margaret, Natalie, Auntie Brenda, Auntie Eva, Auntie Catherine, Auntie Anna, and a bunch of others: the trip, ginger snacks (I had enough Japanese pickled ginger at dinner!), cards, appreciation, and more.

I discovered I'd somehow forgotten photo ID (which I need to get onto the plane - I could have FORGOTTEN totally not on purpose!) and some cash I had, so after an unscheduled stop at Dragon Ball (mango-banana), it was back to my place. Better to do it at night than tomorrow when we're trying to get things done before leaving - thank goodness Eric is giving us a ride to the airport! While I was there, I took some aspirin and called Henry to remind him that I wouldn't need a ride tomorrow. He wondered if Regina was in Manitoba - I don't think Manitoba comes into the equation at all. Guess we'll both have to check if we have Awana the following week before Christmas!

Two mishearings of the night...

1. Me, explaining to Jon why he shouldn't use me as his portable drum set: "I have padded pockets!"
Jon: "... you're a pedophile with chocolate?!"
Me: "... um, yeah.. I think that's worse than any creative hearing I've come up with in Eric's presence. I should tell him about this!"

2. Jon, mock-singing: "You have a big pretty booty..."
Me: "You are disturbing..."
Jon: "That's something, coming from YOU!"
Me: "You didn't say PRETTY BOOBIES, did you...?"
Jon: "Um, no...."

One interesting lyric: We will rape and pillage a village of our choice...

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