Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cajoling people to smoke in the UK

High-scoring word of the day so far:

CAJOLE (144 points) - against Pat K. [4W, 2W]

Sharon B. / Damian P. / Chris F. / Christopher D. added me for the blood games, and Nicoy H. invited me to try HAMMERFALL. Also having a fun conversation - I've missed humorous banter! :D

Sorry For The Delay! Another Random, Long Survey With Excellent Spelling & Grammar!

How long ago did you take your last survey?: Three weeks ago. Wow.
Would you rather have hot tea or hot coffee?: Hot tea. I am Chinese, after all. ;)
Have you ever been told you were a good writer?: Yes.
What name do you think is pretty for a girl?: Alexandra.
If you had to name your daughter after a Disney princess, which one?: Jasmine.
Do you think telepathy is real?: No.
When you were little, did you ever think you would be a magician?: No.
When did you last draw something for fun?: About a week ago.
What is your opinion on poetry?: It's nice, but I can't ever get the symbolism. Believe me, this was a handicap in English class.
Did you play with Barbies as a kid?: Yes... I remember doing that with Brandy.
What, if any, TV shows do you have on DVD?: None.
Would you rather go in a hot air balloon or go skydiving?: Neither!
What do you put on your baked potatoes?: Sour cream and butter. Maybe bacon bits.
Homework -- would you rather do it on a Friday or Sunday?: Sunday... I procrastinated.
Will you ever understand hate gangs?: No.
Do you remember every birthday wish you've ever made?: Not really.
What do you want to do right out of high school?: I wanted to help with the church kids.
At what age do you want to start working? / What age did you start?: 17.
What is your opinion on Twilight?: Haven't read it yet.
What cartoon character did you have a crush on as a kid?: Sebastian from Belle and Sebastian.
Did you ever play pretend?: Of course!
How did Team Rocket ALWAYS know where Ash was?: Special Pokemon powers!
Would you say you have a stable, good Internet connection?: Sure, most of the time.
At what time of the day do you like to take showers?: Night.
Do you lie on surveys to make yourself seem cooler?: Nope.
Was that a lie?: Of course not.
Does the number 27 have any significance to you?: None that I can think of.
How do you study for tests?: I did all the study questions and then some!
Were you ever a tree-climber?: Not really.
Do you keep a diary / journal that you update reguarly?: Yes.
Have you ever tried to start a blog?: Of course!
What video games have you beaten?: I don't remember... Earthbound! for sure. Probably a few other ones, too.
What is your mom's occupation?: Dietary supervisor in the hospital kitchen.
Who makes the most in your entire family?: Could be my sister, soon...
Have you ever been on a farm?: Yes, for horseback riding lessons.
Do you like writing essays?: Not really.
Would you ever study abroad?: That would be cool.
If a cosmetology class was offered at your school, would you take it?: I really don't know.
Estimate how many people smoke cigarettes in the UK.: Damn... eleven million?
Have you ever known someone who smoked? Did they stop?: Yes, and not that I know of.
Do you think weed should be legalized? Cigarettes illegalized?: They're both bad for you.. so I'm not sure!
Would you rather run or ride your bike?: Neither? Haha, LAZY.
Where do you buy your makeup?: I don't.
What is the last fruit you've eaten? When?: Grapes at the townhouse earlier this week!
What is the last junk food you've eaten? When?: Sour cream and onion chips, yesterday.
Would you call yourself an environmentalist?: Sort of.
What is more practical: Glue sticks or white, regular glue?: Glue sticks. They don't get the glue all over your hands, causing you to have to peel it off. Yup, I remember that about elementary school.
Do you like the purple glue sticks just because they're purple?: Yes. I am a "SHINY!!!" person!
If you could make your lips bigger, would you?: Maybe not TOO much bigger... but sure.
Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal?: Depends what it's for.
FYI: About 10 million people smoke cigarettes in the UK. :(

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