Sunday, September 07, 2008

Let's Westernize the Chinese food by adding salad to it!

High-scoring words of the day so far:

HOT (96 points) - against Sara H. [two 4W]
BEWIG (176 points) - against Colin W. [two 4W]
REHIRE (144 points) - against Karla M. [two 4W]
TRAVE (128 points) - against Allie M. [two 4W]
EXPERT (960 points) - against Bonnie C. [three 4W]
ZIPS (480 points) - against Kathy H. [2W, two 4W]
VEGES (144 points; two 4W), EARSHOT (160 points; two 4W) - against Pat K.
SIZED (240 points) - against Angela V. [two 4W]
TROMP (144 points) - against Shelley R.-B. [four 2W]

Found out that Serena DID NOT delete me from Facebook - phew! Just couldn't find her in the search box, so thought she might have. :P [Lincoln added me, too - yay!]

This morning, I went to church with Jon and Grandma. When Jon asked Grandma if she liked his weird music (to amuse us), she said that she didn't really have a preference. And here I was expecting her to say that she was too old, so her opinion didn't really matter! Got to church late, but sat by Chuck - smiled hello at Mark, and laughingly shook my head at Jeremy when I saw him jokingly try reading the Chinese Bible! (their parents came in later than we did, and we exchanged warm greetings after service was over) We found Chung's announcement about our website security to be pretty funny: "Now you can peruse it at your leisure and not have to worry about spreading viruses everywhere!" Everyone laughed when Pastor Edward announced how the Floata celebration banquet would become more Westernized in terms of food: "We had to just get some salad! They don't serve steak... it's a CHINESE restaurant!"

Talked to various people afterwards about the Grouse Grind and stuff... said hi to Mark H. after discussing Megan / Connor / tea sets / cuteness. Sophia's baby Anne cried when she saw me, because hats scare her! The extended family is going to Hawaii this afternoon, and the babies have never been on a plane before. Ian and Olivia have, but not Micah / Anne / Gabriel! Spent some time entertaining Jenica, Michelle's five-year-old niece - Brian was appalled that she knew what rap was! "You taught her HOUSE OF PAIN?!" "Some of that isn't suitable for children, so I only taught her selected lines! Vanessa raps too, Jenica!" "The van smelled like GAS!" "That's right!" She met a lot of people, and apparently she met my mom at the PNE. Isabel and Sarah thought she was cute - she IS smart and funny! Waved to Helen and Nicholas - she and Karen (and Lily) are getting HUGE, and probably can't wait for October when their babies are due!

Wandered around with Tony, and spent a pleasant five minutes talking to Raymond about his weekend and busy schedule / bad food intake, plus loud house parties from neighbors... NOT quieter than spending time with the kids! I definitely understand why he hasn't had time for Wordscraper lately! (sleepovers, work farewell parties, meetings, and more!) Talked to Dianne, who was studying outside the church. Teresa asked me when we were moving into the new church building - in less than a month now! Jon was giving away donuts left over from yesterday (Dad had bought them in thanks for the moving crew with the furniture), and then gave the box to Danny since he had to sign up for the Walkathon. He joked to Sam and Sheena that he should get comped for it: "Dude, I *work* for this place!" Got a ride home with Eric: discussed dancing, Cordia, Joyce, football, Joey, phone calls, trips, work, craziness, and more.

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