BLADES OF GLORY, and bra-signing!
Using my sister's laptop: YAY, LENNY! My sister and Eric were late picking me up, but neglected to tell me that we'd be watching the 1:30 showing instead. Ten death threats were the indirect result of this, haha. (Purell DOES smell better than the manure truck we had the misfortune to be following for a while through farms, and I did NOT create that fertilizer scent!) I also called them ridiculous twice, heh. Eric had scraped the black car's bumper off while at Steph's place, which leaves the family with one car on Sunday. Getting to Sunrise Service will be interesting, and I think I will have to sleep over! Oh well, it probably shouldn't be that bad!
Vivian had to ask Dad for directions on getting to Richmond, but she made it in time for the movie and before we did, so it was cool. BLADES OF GLORY was a quirky movie: these two enemies have to be a pair in pairs skating after they got banned for life (haha, stalker!), and then have to overcome their rival couple trying to guilt-trip the sister! Very funny overall, but the part at the end was certainly random! DVD for bloopers it will be in a few months! Seriously, people should see this one - it will exceed your low expectations, oh yeah! Afterwards, we went straight into Vancouver to drop Vivian off at home before going to church at around 4. Discussed Take It To Heart (Romans 6:1-13), a church meeting in two weeks (EXAM TIME!), books, certain people, Jon busing it to church, songs we haven't sung in a long time, losing keys, Translink, dignity, cruises, worship, Sunrise Service, hockey, bras, and more. Very interesting, haha.
My sister figures she'll never get any sleep because of supervising the 30-Hour Famine tonight and the Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM on Sunday! Oh well, what can you do? Now Daniel, Vanessa, Nathan, Isabel, Jon, Steph, Eric, Mike, Christon, Joey, Emily, and Margaret are practicing for tonight's Good Friday service at church. Speaking of which, Sam's the oldest member of the Easter worship team: Quan, Joyce, Cordia, and Chris are all younger than he is - so scary! (haha) Dinner will be very welcome, since I've had just a banana / a cookie / popcorn / water / coffee / milk today! I'll go to Pho when everyone else goes or just slightly earlier. Nice to have company. :D
Hehe, my sister and Viv went to the Colorado-Vancouver game last night - JEFF COWAN (#20) SIGNED HER BRA! YAY! She brought two bras, and the first one she threw just landed on the glass and just hung there. =/ She and Viv had moved down to the first two rows for jersey-signing, but it was too crowded! Vivian's bra landed on Markus Naslund's shoulder, and he picked it up before handing it to Brent Sopel. Sopel was just STARING at it for a while before he tossed it behind the bench. Steph's second bra landed on another fan, who gave it to Cowan, and he signed it and tossed it back to the fans... she's so proud and telling everyone sorta discreetly since it's Good Friday and all. The other people in their section were like "Who IS this girl, and why the heck is she throwing BRAS around?!" Hello, are you living in CAVES or something? Octopus-throwing in Detroit is way more of a health hazard than throwing old bras! HEHEHE - HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK!
I also uploaded three new icons for my sister: Batman, Canucks logo, and ice cream!

Vivian had to ask Dad for directions on getting to Richmond, but she made it in time for the movie and before we did, so it was cool. BLADES OF GLORY was a quirky movie: these two enemies have to be a pair in pairs skating after they got banned for life (haha, stalker!), and then have to overcome their rival couple trying to guilt-trip the sister! Very funny overall, but the part at the end was certainly random! DVD for bloopers it will be in a few months! Seriously, people should see this one - it will exceed your low expectations, oh yeah! Afterwards, we went straight into Vancouver to drop Vivian off at home before going to church at around 4. Discussed Take It To Heart (Romans 6:1-13), a church meeting in two weeks (EXAM TIME!), books, certain people, Jon busing it to church, songs we haven't sung in a long time, losing keys, Translink, dignity, cruises, worship, Sunrise Service, hockey, bras, and more. Very interesting, haha.
My sister figures she'll never get any sleep because of supervising the 30-Hour Famine tonight and the Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM on Sunday! Oh well, what can you do? Now Daniel, Vanessa, Nathan, Isabel, Jon, Steph, Eric, Mike, Christon, Joey, Emily, and Margaret are practicing for tonight's Good Friday service at church. Speaking of which, Sam's the oldest member of the Easter worship team: Quan, Joyce, Cordia, and Chris are all younger than he is - so scary! (haha) Dinner will be very welcome, since I've had just a banana / a cookie / popcorn / water / coffee / milk today! I'll go to Pho when everyone else goes or just slightly earlier. Nice to have company. :D
Hehe, my sister and Viv went to the Colorado-Vancouver game last night - JEFF COWAN (#20) SIGNED HER BRA! YAY! She brought two bras, and the first one she threw just landed on the glass and just hung there. =/ She and Viv had moved down to the first two rows for jersey-signing, but it was too crowded! Vivian's bra landed on Markus Naslund's shoulder, and he picked it up before handing it to Brent Sopel. Sopel was just STARING at it for a while before he tossed it behind the bench. Steph's second bra landed on another fan, who gave it to Cowan, and he signed it and tossed it back to the fans... she's so proud and telling everyone sorta discreetly since it's Good Friday and all. The other people in their section were like "Who IS this girl, and why the heck is she throwing BRAS around?!" Hello, are you living in CAVES or something? Octopus-throwing in Detroit is way more of a health hazard than throwing old bras! HEHEHE - HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK!
I also uploaded three new icons for my sister: Batman, Canucks logo, and ice cream!

Labels: bannings, chris, christon, emily, hockey, ice cream, icons, isabel, jeff, joey, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, movies, nathan, poo, quan, vanessa, vivian l., vivian s., water
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