There's no storage on THIS patio, you jabronies!
Dear Idiots Who Manage My Apartment Complex: I am NOT using my patio for storage! In fact, there's nothing on the balcony except for some nondescript grey mat / carpet thing! I'd use language I shouldn't, but will refrain here. Suffice to say that it can't be "storage" if I don't even know where it came from, since it's really NOT MINE. Stupid "If there's something on the patio, the patio HAS TO BE used as storage of that item" mentality! Sometimes I wonder how the lot of you even can be described as competent - this company is all shady / dodgy to me! BLEH!
Since when does my MOTHER use the expression "no worries"?! Crap, now I have to find a new way to get that concept across! It was such a useful term, and oh so cool / Australian! GRRRRRR! Time for a double cleansing, methinks...
Sometimes I wonder about certain people's motivations behind their actions, but then I figure I'm overanalyzing things again... I'd certainly never ask them even to disprove OTHER people's thoughts! I may not want to do certain things, but I'll have to because of circumstances beyond my control. Oh well, I just hope it won't be too bad. Heck, it's not like my thoughts on the matter will come true! At least people are there for me, haha. (even if I take it for granted or don't want that sometimes) Then again, Eric called from work to inform me that I wouldn't need to take the bus out today - lotsa communication with that guy this week, haha! He asked where I was when he tried to call - I was trying to sleep since I couldn't get to sleep till at least 4 AM. Maybe DST is still kicking me where it hurts? (note: "couldn't get to sleep till 4 AM" is definitely DIFFERENT than "didn't get to bed till 4 AM")
Since I need to check blogs today instead of tomorrow, I might as well do so now while I have some time. Let's see... Randal has more stuff about Corrie ten Boom (not that it's a bad thing), surrender, true love (thank goodness certain people had sense this week!), Washington, English courses and being Asian (that must have been FUN TIMES), and how he doesn't really shout anymore. Well, I can't really imagine him shouting, but hey... he just may have to if he's around certain loud hyper people we both know! (my sister, Emily, Vanessa, Daniel, etc.) Then there's something about how Jesus must have looked just like him based on some article on reconstruction - haha, that's great! Treating people with respect is definitely something to strive for, too. (Why did I almost type "treating people with women" there? That would be something else entirely, and not what he was trying to go for!)
Then again, it seems as though he's had a frustrating week / day at work - oh sure, head office can violate the rules they expect everyone else to follow. *rolleyes* Hey, here's something all of us can digest - decoration! Not that I've been a "typical" female as far as that goes - my place has like NO decoration trends apparent in it. Eric would tell you that the only trend apparent is one of MESS, but I don't feel I can decorate this apartment in my own style and not get docked for it somehow along the line later. (see above letter to my management) I've just never really been "into" decoration and such - I may see stuff I like at a store or someone's house, but I'm not the "inspired" type. Ah well, to each their own as far as this goes, haha.
Alyssa has new pictures of her emo bangs (which cover one eye - just like a scene kid nowadays!) / new outfits, and wants some girly companionship since boys don't squeal and giggle all that much. 'Tis true, unfortunately - not that I myself do that a lot, but it's nice not to have certain people look at me as if I'm on crack whenever I do! People, you should be used to it by now! (I may have to break out the joking death threats on yet another person whom I swore I wouldn't do it to, haha) She has something called Friday's Feast, which is basically five questions titled "Appetizer / Soup / Salad / Main Course / Dessert" about a variety of subjects. Fun stuff, I think? Haha.
Vivian's still sick, and realizes that she's of a different generation than the kids she teaches. They've apparently never heard of Titanic, Saved By The Bell, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Jessica Parker, or Sale and Pelletier. Of course, these Grade 8 students were all born in the early 1990s, so maybe they'll just remember reality shows and stuff like Dora the Explorer from childhood, haha. Don't worry, Viv - I'm not going to criticize your grammar and spelling when you're sick or even if not. She wished for Spring Break to get here, and it has... maybe she's better by now! On another note, you gotta love warnings about French cinema - things like nude scenes wouldn't go over well with sponsor teachers, but turning and staring at the student teacher (Vivian) every time there was a kissing scene in the movie? Haha, that must have been amusing! Yay for subtitles and DVD options - one less class to prep is always good.
Dawn has been busy putting the touches together on a stuffed bunny, getting a birthday cake for her boyfriend's mom - narrowly avoiding a name mistake along with bakery stress - and adjusting to her job. Just don't work at home or do any email-checking since it won't benefit you in the long run - save it for work! Great co-worker's advice, that. Spoz just has the usual weekender stuff up, so I won't go into detail on it. Although I kinda wonder why I have a few blogs bookmarked that haven't been updated in months / blogs that I don't really read anymore... very strange. I could just use those slots for blogs which are updated more often... how silly of me! Speaking of blogs, I'll do certain things for some people that I wouldn't for others: that's how you know you're special. ;)
Since when does my MOTHER use the expression "no worries"?! Crap, now I have to find a new way to get that concept across! It was such a useful term, and oh so cool / Australian! GRRRRRR! Time for a double cleansing, methinks...
Sometimes I wonder about certain people's motivations behind their actions, but then I figure I'm overanalyzing things again... I'd certainly never ask them even to disprove OTHER people's thoughts! I may not want to do certain things, but I'll have to because of circumstances beyond my control. Oh well, I just hope it won't be too bad. Heck, it's not like my thoughts on the matter will come true! At least people are there for me, haha. (even if I take it for granted or don't want that sometimes) Then again, Eric called from work to inform me that I wouldn't need to take the bus out today - lotsa communication with that guy this week, haha! He asked where I was when he tried to call - I was trying to sleep since I couldn't get to sleep till at least 4 AM. Maybe DST is still kicking me where it hurts? (note: "couldn't get to sleep till 4 AM" is definitely DIFFERENT than "didn't get to bed till 4 AM")
Since I need to check blogs today instead of tomorrow, I might as well do so now while I have some time. Let's see... Randal has more stuff about Corrie ten Boom (not that it's a bad thing), surrender, true love (thank goodness certain people had sense this week!), Washington, English courses and being Asian (that must have been FUN TIMES), and how he doesn't really shout anymore. Well, I can't really imagine him shouting, but hey... he just may have to if he's around certain loud hyper people we both know! (my sister, Emily, Vanessa, Daniel, etc.) Then there's something about how Jesus must have looked just like him based on some article on reconstruction - haha, that's great! Treating people with respect is definitely something to strive for, too. (Why did I almost type "treating people with women" there? That would be something else entirely, and not what he was trying to go for!)
Then again, it seems as though he's had a frustrating week / day at work - oh sure, head office can violate the rules they expect everyone else to follow. *rolleyes* Hey, here's something all of us can digest - decoration! Not that I've been a "typical" female as far as that goes - my place has like NO decoration trends apparent in it. Eric would tell you that the only trend apparent is one of MESS, but I don't feel I can decorate this apartment in my own style and not get docked for it somehow along the line later. (see above letter to my management) I've just never really been "into" decoration and such - I may see stuff I like at a store or someone's house, but I'm not the "inspired" type. Ah well, to each their own as far as this goes, haha.
Alyssa has new pictures of her emo bangs (which cover one eye - just like a scene kid nowadays!) / new outfits, and wants some girly companionship since boys don't squeal and giggle all that much. 'Tis true, unfortunately - not that I myself do that a lot, but it's nice not to have certain people look at me as if I'm on crack whenever I do! People, you should be used to it by now! (I may have to break out the joking death threats on yet another person whom I swore I wouldn't do it to, haha) She has something called Friday's Feast, which is basically five questions titled "Appetizer / Soup / Salad / Main Course / Dessert" about a variety of subjects. Fun stuff, I think? Haha.
Vivian's still sick, and realizes that she's of a different generation than the kids she teaches. They've apparently never heard of Titanic, Saved By The Bell, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Jessica Parker, or Sale and Pelletier. Of course, these Grade 8 students were all born in the early 1990s, so maybe they'll just remember reality shows and stuff like Dora the Explorer from childhood, haha. Don't worry, Viv - I'm not going to criticize your grammar and spelling when you're sick or even if not. She wished for Spring Break to get here, and it has... maybe she's better by now! On another note, you gotta love warnings about French cinema - things like nude scenes wouldn't go over well with sponsor teachers, but turning and staring at the student teacher (Vivian) every time there was a kissing scene in the movie? Haha, that must have been amusing! Yay for subtitles and DVD options - one less class to prep is always good.
Dawn has been busy putting the touches together on a stuffed bunny, getting a birthday cake for her boyfriend's mom - narrowly avoiding a name mistake along with bakery stress - and adjusting to her job. Just don't work at home or do any email-checking since it won't benefit you in the long run - save it for work! Great co-worker's advice, that. Spoz just has the usual weekender stuff up, so I won't go into detail on it. Although I kinda wonder why I have a few blogs bookmarked that haven't been updated in months / blogs that I don't really read anymore... very strange. I could just use those slots for blogs which are updated more often... how silly of me! Speaking of blogs, I'll do certain things for some people that I wouldn't for others: that's how you know you're special. ;)
Your Worry Factor is 48% |
![]() While you're not a worrywart, you worry more than you should. Maybe you don't have enough to keep your mind occupied at times... Or perhaps you've trapped yourself into some bad thinking patterns. Try to worry less and enjoy life more. There's no point thinking about things you can't change! |
You Communicate Like a Woman |
![]() You empathize, talk things out, and express your emotions freely. You're a good listener, and you're non-judgmental with your advice. Communication is how you connect with people. You're always up for a long talk, no matter how difficult the subject matter is. |
Labels: alyssa, australia, blogging, crap, danielle, dawn, emily, eric m., grammar, hester, jessica, management, maxed-out tags limit, mom, poo, randal, school, sex, spelling, vanessa
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