Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bull Run liquor and prostitution / Invader Zim / McDonald's Steak & Egg Bagel

Today's Notorious Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Bull Run (also known as Hell's Kitchen and Dance Hall) was a notorious Barbary Coast (San Francisco) dive which opened its doors in the fall of 1868. Its owner, Ned Allen, often said that the motto of his place was "Anything goes here." He employed between forty and fifty girls during the Bull Run's period of greatest prosperity, and they were notorious as the most brazen, hopeless, and abandoned women on the Barbary Coast. In most of the dives, the drinks served to the pretty waiter girls and the female performers were innoxious, and it was considered right and proper for them to dispose of unwanted beverages by dumping them into the big brass spittoons which were scattered about the floors. At the Bull Run, however, the girls were given real liquor and were compelled to drink it, as their antics when drunk were considered an amusing feature of the resort, the more so since Allen was very liberal in the use of cantharides to stimulate those of his employees whom he considered sluggish. Practically all of the Bull Run women drank beer by choice, having full knowledge of the dynamitic effect of the dive's whisky and brandy. But regardless of the number of glasses which they poured down their throats, they were not permitted to leave the dance floor or the stage often enough to obtain the relief which the consumption of large quantities necessitated. Consequently, they wore diapers instead of the frilly undergarments which the prostitute, even more than her virtuous sister, prefers. If one of Bull Run Allen's pretty waiter girls or performers became unconscious from liquor, as frequently happened, she was carried upstairs and laid on a bed, and sexual privileges were sold to all comers while she lay helpless in a drunken stupor. The price ranged from twenty-five cents to one dollar, depending upon the age and beauty of the girl. For an additional quarter, a man might watch his predecessor, an extraordinary procedure which was supposed to give an additional fillip to the senses. It was not unusual for a girl to be abused by as many as thirty or forty men in the course of a single night. She was supposed to receive half the revenue from this sort of prostitution, but she was invariably cheated.

Culled from: San Francisco History


In case you're wondering where The Comtesse has been the last few days, here's an illustration that my good friend Claude whipped up while visiting me the other day.

Yes, I've been a bit under the weather (ie. knocking loudly on Death's Door) with a vile stomach ailment since Tuesday night, but I seem to be settling back into the routine misery that is my daily existence. Thank badness!


Ruthless Rhyme Du Jour!

I've been reading Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes and More Ruthless Rhymes by Harry Graham, a collection of hysterical poems originally published in 1899, and I thought I'd share with you some of my favorites.


When, with my little daughter Blanche,
I climbed the Alps, last summer,
I saw a dreadful avalanche
About to overcome her;
And, as it swept her down the slope,
I vaguely wondered whether
I should be wise to cut the rope
That held us twain together.

I must confess I'm glad I did,
But still I miss the child -- poor kid!

Ruthless Rhymes For Heartless Homes


Morbid Cartoon Du Jour!

TJ has a cartoon recommendation for us:

The Amazing Screw-On Head

"This is a pretty badass cartoon from the creator of Hellboy. Really old women that turn into werewolves, a zombie super villain, Abe Lincoln, and Paul Giamatti (spelled it wrong, but you know who I am talking about.) It's really funny and just the kind of thing you look for."


Wretched Recommendations!

.b has some comic book recommendations:

"In a recent MFDJ, you posted a recommendation for Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. In addition to those comics, Jhonen Vasquez also produced Squee, I Feel Sick (both of which use some of the same characters as JTHM, and tell parts of the same storyline), and of course, the Nickelodeon cartoon Invader Zim, which is darkly hilarious and available on DVD."

Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors

Invader ZIM

McDonald's Breakfast Bagel Sandwiches

Steak & Egg Bagel

2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon creamy dill mustard

1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 slice of white onion, quartered
1 14-ounce package steak - Umm, chopped steak (7 steaks)
4 eggs
1 teaspoon butter
ground black pepper
4 plain bagels
8 slices Kraft Singles American cheese

1. First, prepare the sauce by combining the mayonnaise with the dill mustard in a small bowl. Set this aside until you are ready to use it.

2. Heat 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Separate the onion slices and sauté in the oil until light brown.

3. Heat a large skillet over medium / high heat. Break up the sandwich steak into the hot pan and cook until brown. Drain off fat. Add the grilled onions to the meat and stir.

4. To make the eggs, it's best to make one at a time in a small 6-inch skillet. If you have more than one of these small pans, you can save a little time.

5. Beat an egg in a small bowl with a whisk until it is smooth, but not foamy. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the egg. Heat a small 6-inch skillet over low heat. Add 1/4 teaspoon of butter to the pan. When the butter has melted, add the egg to the pan. Swirl the pan so that the egg spreads evenly. As the egg begins to cook, use a spatula to pull in a couple of the edges so that raw egg flows from the top onto the hot pan. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, then fold over one of the edges of the egg using a spoon or fork. Fold it down about an inch. Fold the opposite end over as well. Then fold the remaining two edges over, creating a small rectangular or square mini-omelet. Flip the little omelet over and turn off the heat.

6. Slice a bagel in half and place it with the faces up on a baking sheet. Grill the faces of the bagel halves in your oven, set on broil, until golden brown. You may also use a toaster oven for this step, but be sure to place the sliced bagel halves onto a small baking sheet or on aluminum foil.

7. When the bagels are toasted, spread about 1/2 tablespoon of the sauce onto the face of the top bagel half.

8. Place a slice of cheese onto the face of each bagel half.

9. Divide the meat into four portions and stack one portion onto the cheese on the bottom bagel half.

10. Place the finished omelet onto the meat on the bottom half of the sandwich.

11. Finish by flipping the top half of the sandwich over onto the bottom. Heat for 15 seconds in microwave if needed to warm. Makes 4 servings.

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