Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fresh babies, a better Sean, MSN, Pho, and bananas

Think I've figured out the secret to making an entry stick to the top of my journal, since I tested it and it appears to work as it should. I'll make the entry that I want to postdate / backdate, but leave the current time of the entry as is. Then I should make at least one other entry after that one. Only then can I go back and postdate / backdate the other entry to the time I want it to show. Hopefully this works, and it doesn't change on me!

I almost slept in and missed church today since my alarm wasn't working - yes, I did indeed set it before I went to bed! Thank goodness I heard the phone beep at me when it was 8:55! My sister even brought me breakfast when I asked her to: such a nice person, heh. Got her to sign a couple of cards, and told her about why she wouldn't be seeing Jeremy today: let's just say she wasn't impressed. When I got to church, I sat alone in a pew until Sheena joined me... I told you that I wasn't going to sit next to a certain person today! (not that I even SAW him, but that's moot since Sunday's never a good day to see / talk to people in depth! :P) Said hi to Christon, John, his wife Sharon, Emily, her brother Joey, Julie S., her sister Elaine, and a few other people. After service, I finally gave Denise her birthday card - her birthday was 11 January! I also made Jon take three greeting cards to perhaps sign during Sunday School - I know that's not a good example for an ESCC member / pastoral hopeful to set, but whatever gets the job done! As it turned out, he didn't sign them at all... cheh! Steph thought that baby Joshua (being walked around by his dad Tim) was cute, and referred to his new baby brother as a "fresh baby." Could be, if you think of the phrase in a certain way!

Later, a few of us stood around outside in the rain. We marveled at the huge size of Melia and Angus' shared umbrella, and exclaimed over baby Hannah's cuteness and big eyes as we do every week. We quickly tired of getting wet even under umbrellas, and split off to go to Sunday School. Before leaving with her sister Emily and Mike, Chrystal asked if I'd be okay getting to where I was going - yup, since I was going around to the front and going in that way! I could have taken the back door since it was still unlocked at the time, but I wanted to see who was in the front. Saw Danielle, and asked her where Nathan was: she didn't know, and had just gotten to church herself since she had to drop a friend off at the airport. (dedication example!)

When I got to the toddler Sunday School, little Sean was talking on a toy phone. Definitely something I haven't seen, so maybe this is an improvement. He also said "rainbow" twice; once when I brought out my rainbow stickers, and another time when I asked him what the rainbow on Auntie Fonda's Bible was. (and said "thank you" for the crackers when prompted at snacktime!) Not a verbal kid, unless you count his babbling away during class... but I keep his autism firmly in mind. Auntie Tracy thinks he seems to behave better when I'm around since he senses my "patience and love" - maybe he does, I wouldn't know! My inner child was squelched last night in that discussion about mortgages and horribly grown-up stuff, so it's good I can be a kid again with these real kids! :P (I also asked Esther if she'd gotten her birthday card from her sister: nope, so she has to bug her about it!)

Auntie Fonda was talking about those knitted hats she makes now: when her daughter Vivian came in for a couple of minutes to talk to her, she mentioned that I looked good in that red hat I wore to Awana last week. Later, Auntie Fonda mentioned to Rich that she had MSN: whoa! Rich has it too, of course, but his brother Vance often uses his computer. Maybe I'll give my MSN info to Chris for his mom on Saturday since she didn't remember what hers was! After Sunday School, I gave Dylan his birthday card, which he thanked me for. Steph thought the "Signs that you're 30" thing on the front was hilarious, haha. Then I went upstairs, where I talked to the twins Adam and Andrew for a bit. Andrew said that they'd had an early celebration for his uncle's birthday at some Chinese restaurant last night: on top of all the food in a Chinese 10-course meal (I assume), they'd also had three cakes for dessert! That is a LOT of food!

Adam asked whether I still did the summer thing, which meant Vacation Bible School: I haven't since the year they were both in it and kept calling me Lassie! (ah, 2001 memories...) I asked if they'd ever helped out, and he said that they were too busy to do so: that would fit with what one of them told me last summer before it started last year. Andrew then told his brother to go back to where he belonged, so I asked where that was: the streets, apparently. Nice example of brotherly love, haha... I told Adam what his brother had said, and he said that Andrew belonged on CANADIAN IDOL since he does all these Tupac songs at home. "But I'm better because I know Chinese rap!" he added before he left. Haha, those two are hilarious sometimes! Then I saw Nathan, who said he'd slept in and missed service: of course, he had to make it for Sunday School at least!

After talking to Ivan and Karen for a bit about Bible Study and such, it was off to Pho, where I asked Steph quietly if someone had apologized to her: nope, but that's okay. That's probably just how he is! I told her what Karen had told me about a budget figures email that got forwarded to someone else in its entirety, personal messages and all... why not edit the personal stuff out before doing that, at least? Who knows. Jon talked to Karen Lew about Phil's Super Bowl party / Dine Out Vancouver tonight and Gotham's before I insisted that he had to sign Sean's card at least - that has to be mailed soon, and is technically already two days late!

Steph and I discussed Karen's niceness about insisting on paying for people's meals and such, and talking about stuff with us. Then I told her that Eric hadn't eaten anything before Resonate: I know he doesn't have time to eat takeout Pho, but I should pack that dude a banana at least for those weeks! Keeps blood sugar up, and it's something healthy he CAN eat which takes like 30 seconds to consume if you're in a hurry. (I timed myself this morning, and that's how I know!) Must remember that, then... it doesn't take much time to buy even on the day of the service, haha. Maybe I'll email someone later about the 24 tapes: Steph and Christon are meeting for lunch on Wednesday since he also works downtown, and he'll return it on Friday. Asked her to get the other tape with the first two episodes on it for me as well, though I'll probably ask my mom in case she gets all "but you didn't ask me PERSONALLY for it!" on me. (she's been known to do that, perhaps for good reason) So I guess we'll see... if I don't email, I certainly will call even though email's much easier! ;)

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