Sunday, January 21, 2007

Beheading the Queen of Scots / The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marinade

Andrea has suggestions for our snack food: cheese and crackers, Hummus / red pepper dip with pita chips, fruit, maybe something kiddy but classic and relatively light like Rice Krispie squares, and something sweet. We don't need to make a big production out of this, but I'm afraid Karen's raised the bar for EVERYONE! Oh well, it'll be an adventure with this stuff...

Today's Fearsome Yet Truly Morbid Fact!

Mary Queen Of Scots was executed by beheading in Fotheringhay Castle, Northhamptonshire on February 8, 1587. She had been accused by Queen Elizabeth I of plotting to ascend the English throne. Before the execution, the executioner, named Bull, knelt before her and asked her to forgive him. She did so, adding: 'for now you shall make an end to all my troubles.' Next she was required to remove some of her voluminous outer clothes lest they impede the executioner, and she exclaimed that 'she had never taken off her clothes in such a company!'

Her attendants helped her to discard her robes, to reveal a red velvet petticoat and a silk scarlet bodice. One of her women brought a Corpus Christi cloth, folded triangularly, and put it over her head as she reached out for the block. On seeing this, one of Bull's assistants moved her hands aside and held them lightly as she prayed, her head on the block.

When she stopped, Bull raised the fearsome axe but, whether daunted by the enormity of the deed he was about to commit or just inaccurate, the first blow glanced off the back of his victim's head, injuring her but fortunately rendering her unconscious. Raising the axe again, he brought it down on her neck, this time severing her head but for a little gristle which he cut with his knife. In accordance with tradition, he then lifted her head and proclaimed, 'God save the Queen,' referring of course to Queen Elizabeth.

One of Bull's assistants noticed Mary's little dog emerge from under the dead queen's skirts and lie down between the severed head and body of its late mistress. Enticed away, it was carried out and the blood washed off it.

Culled from: The Book Of Execution


Poor little dog!!



Several people have forwarded me the Snopes article about the Alton Parkway high-speed accident that claimed the life of an 18-year-old girl in Orange County on Halloween 2006. It appears that Snopes has taken down the graphic images since they currently only have some tame photos of the car, and no images of the mutilated remains of the girl. Of course, in the interest of morbidity, I have tracked down the full set of photographs for your viewing displeasure. First of all, here's the Snopes link.

Here's an article about the accident - and about how the family is dismayed at the pictures that have been floating around the Internet.

And here, perversely, are the photos. (Yes, it's true, I have no soul... and besides, I think that one viewing of these images does more for the cause of automotive safety than ten dozen MADD billboards.) Definitely not for the squeamish. Not even for the slightly-less-than-squeamish!!!


Wretched Recommendations!

Melissa has a graphic novel recommendation:

Meatcake Compilation by Dame Darcy

"This graphic novel samples some of the best from the first seven issues of the long out-of-print Meatcake comics, and really isn't like anything else I've ever seen. Dame Darcy has a very Edward Gorey-inspired style, which fits with the plethora of creepy-funny characters she creates. They include Siamese twins Perfidia (a two-faced bitch) and Hindrance (a hindrance to Perfidia)... and Strega Pez, a woman who speaks through Pez candy which pops out of the bloody slit in her throat. The front endpaper gives you a sneak peek to what's to come: it shows in detailed pen and ink a scene of pretty young Edwardian women digging up and dissecting a corpse. The fairy-tale like stories are peppered with murder, madness, and humor. Dame Darcy says of her work: 'I pictured them living in a little town by the sea, where magic is logic, mermaids and Siamese twins are just as normal as other girls, and everyone has endless reasons to be dripping or drinking delicious black blood in every issue.' It's really something every fan of the Victorian morbid should check out."

Sounds awesome!! Onto my wish list it goes...

The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marinade

Before you cook the chicken, it has to be marinated. The original way that the Colonel used to produce his chicken was marinating it. The following Marinade recipe is still used daily today at KFC for 40 to 80 pounds of the Crispy Strips at a time. However, this recipe's yield of the marinade is only good for about 15 pounds of chicken.

2 tablespoons Potassium
2 tablespoons Kosher Salt
4 tablespoons MSG
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/3 cup Bottled Chicken Concentrate
5 cups water

Mix all of the above, and soak the chicken in the above marinade for 24 hours under refrigeration.

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