Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, black

Finally finished my editing, which took more than two hours! Now I can go out and play! :D

Here's a colors survey from Amy, via Myspace bulletin:

Closest red thing to you? A felt pen.
Last thing to make you angry? Stupid people who don't recognize that I have feelings too.
Do you have a bad temper? Sometimes.
Are you a fan of romance? At times.

Closest orange thing to you? A pad of orange paper.
Do you like to burn things? No.
Dress up for Halloween? Not anymore.
Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Yes.
Do you have anything against redheaded people? Not really, but I wish I was one.

Closest yellow thing to you? Candy.
The happiest time of your life? Not sure.
Favourite holiday? Easter.
What makes you smile? Amusement.
Are you a coward? Sometimes.
Do you burn or tan? Tan.

Closest green thing to you? A Mad Libs book.
Do you care about the environment? Yup.
Are you jealous of anyone right now? Yes.
Are you a lucky person? I suppose.
Do you like being outdoors? Sometimes.
Are you Irish? No, but I wish I was.

Closest blue thing to you? A highlighter.
Are you good at calming people down? Not sure.
Do you like the sea? Yeah.
What was the last thing that made you cry? Something trivial, I'm sure.

Last purple thing you saw? A pencil case.
Like being treated to expensive things? Sure.
Do you like mysterious things? It depends.
Favourite type of chocolate? Purdy's! Wait... why is this question under the "purple" category?
Ever met anyone in royalty? Not to my knowledge.
Are you creative? Hahaha, yeah right!

Closest pink thing to you? A pencil crayon.
Do you like sweet things? Like, figuratively or literally? Yes to both.
Like play-fighting? Sometimes.
Are you sensitive? Yes.
Do you like punk music? Heck, yeah!

Closest white thing to you? Another pad of paper.
Would you say you're innocent? Depends how you define "innocent," I suppose... ;)
Always try to keep the peace? Yes.
How do you imagine your wedding? I'd like it to be medium-sized.
Do you like to play in the snow? At rare times.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? Sometimes... it depends.

Closest black thing to you? Hair.
Ever enjoy hurting people? Not really.
Are you sophisticated or silly? Both, but more silly.
Would you like to go to space? Yeah.
Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really.
Does the colour you wear affect your mood? No.

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