My Interests Collage!
Interests: 68: (Eric), A-1 steak sauce, affection, asking questions, autobiographies, bands, biographies, birthdays, bizarre happenings, books, bubble tea, CDs, children, coincidences, commenting, computers, Crime Library, culture, eating out, food, friendliness, friends, friendship, goofing off, Google, helping people, history, Homestar Runner, hot and sour soup, instant messaging, journals, language, laughing, learning, memories, message boards, movies, multiple births, murder, music, names, oddities, Outlander series, phone calls, photos, playing, poop, quirkiness, quirky stuff, reading, remembering people's birthdays, Richmond, royalty, serial killers, stories, sushi, synchronicity, talking, the radio, toilet water, true crime, twins, Vancouver, water, weirdness, wonton mein, words, writing
Stolen from Tracey:

I actually read that issue of the Province, too!
Stolen from Tracey:
I actually read that issue of the Province, too!
Labels: birthdays, bubble tea, coincidences, computer, friends, google, history, homestar runner, maxed-out tags limit, memes, music, names, poo, sex, sushi, tracey, true crime, twins, water, weird stuff
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