Saturday, July 15, 2006

Organic salad as a meal, dreams of branches and tantrums, grease on your head, surreal exams

Oh man, I missed the opportunity for a zinger last night! When Jesse said that he had an appointment with the Queen and we all thought he was crazy, I should have brought up Warren Zevon's Werewolves of London! I even had TWO chances to do that! (not that it's a guarantee he would have UNDERSTOOD it, but that's not the point!) Argh... my mind and brain fail me when I'm not "with it," I'd imagine. That, or I'm getting old and losing my memory. (we were talking about that last night and figured we'd all passed the optimum age for memory retention: things only go downhill from here on out, sigh!)

No wonder I've been feeling annoyed throughout this past week... I know it'll get worse, too. Heh, I wonder if I can use THAT as an excuse for certain things? Probably not. *sigh* I've just eaten all the organic salad that I bought on Wednesday: I thought I could handle the smaller size rather than the huge 1kg they were offering on sale since I didn't think I'd eat THAT much of the stuff. (more veggies in my diet = a good thing, right?) Finishing the small size is perhaps good enough for me since I'm basically using it as a meal, but how I long for the bigger size... then again, I might waste some of that too. (the expiry date on THAT was Monday... and next week exactly for the smaller 142-gram size)

I had a dream that involved a branch suddenly going through the middle of the living room. Then I was transported to a nice restaurant where I proceeded to have a very bad fit of temper in front of random church kids and their parents (who were all dressed nicely) because everyone ignored my wishes to sit in the middle of the long row so I could take in more of the talk and discussion swirling around me. Instead, I was stuck at the end of one of the rows! How unjust and unfair! Afterwards, I had to meet Jeremy and Steph at a café somewhere: I was miffed that Jeremy seemed to be paying more attention to my sister than me while we were discussing rabbits and newspaper boxes, but then felt better when he referred to her as a "kid" (in a slightly disparaging way) and was suitably sweet and cheesy towards me. He made flowers out of the tissues and twist-ties, and placed them by the teacups, heh. I woke up when Chinese people in the hallway were making too much noise to sleep through... sometimes I wish my blankets would act as a noise filter as well as a light filter!

Caught up on blogs as well: Dawn has pictures of Beijing and is biding her time in Hong Kong till she returns here in August. (the luggage weight allowance is apparently REALLY ridiculous over there: 20kg only?!) Spoz cheerfully complained of an unexpected Friday night out, but had weekender pictures up anyhow... including a bunch from their "dumb drunken fun with silly hats" series which involved using a Hungry Jacks (Burger King, here) bag as a hat. (all I can think of is: EWWW! MORE GREASE ON YOUR HEAD?!)

Phil went to a middle school orchestra performance, and discovered a sense of appreciation for the moolah his parents tried to invest in getting him to develop a sense of musical ability. (ah, Asian parents...) He never did, but thinks his girlfriend's brother Caleb is pretty good! Steph's discovered that the Nintendo DS is on backorder everywhere around here, but figures her money is saved... although she might get half-season Canucks tickets. Yeah, that sounds good to me... maybe. :P

Jen's studying for a first-year bio exam, which is ridiculous since she's been out of Trinity and working at evil Starbucks and such for a year already! However, the administration over there isn't exactly on the ball when it comes to credits (and she admits she miscalculated)... so she's not officially a graduate, even though she attended her ceremony last year. We even roasted her last year at the church grad banquet, which presented its own set of challenges for Phil: "I've been asked to do this with like two minutes of prep time! Guys, stop playing Ultimate and smelling the Pho garbage! Help! Well, we can't do this *pantomime of smoking* and we can't do this *pantomime of drinking out of a beer bottle* ..." (the pantomimes were because the denizens of the minuscule adult / parent table WERE around! :P)

But Jen did go to the library and admits she loves the downtown one because of the smell of books and newspapers... mmm, I agree with her! (yeah, we're both nuts, haha) She does the same thing as I do: replaying scenes in her head and wishing she'd said certain things and stuff like that. It would also be nice to just pack up and go travel (China for a year?), but you can't just do that. Hell, *I* can't just do that, as much as I'd like to! :P

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