David and Aleithia united in love! (oh really?)
My newest icon, thanks to conversations with Eric:

This is the O RLY? owl Internet phemomenon taken to new heights of hilarity!

Too bad that definitely exceeds the icon size limit, because that is transfixing! It took me an hour and a half to find the quirky image, which even has a Pho reference! Damn! Wish I could Photobucket it or something, but I can't do that!
Just after I prepared to go out tonight by taking a shower, I called Sam for a ride tomorrow to Awana: since he can take me, I can finally give him his birthday card! (I saw him on Sunday, but as I told Tracy later, it's crazy trying to talk to people on that day!) Then Eric called to see if I could loan him two bowls for his chips and salsa: of course I could! After he picked me up, I told him about my Bookworm high score and mentioned that I had a screenshot. He told me that he didn't want to see screenshots of my scoring... this is why he reminds me of Corey, haha. (Corey always takes "scoring" in hockey to mean "sex" for laughs, and frequently tells me to behave myself when I bring it up... aiyoh!)
I was also way too easily amused by Eric's windshield wipers having their own grooves in the windshield. I told him that I was going to Summer Conference (sigh)... he said that I'd told him, and that he'd responded right after that. Well, I didn't get the message since MSN is weird like that. :P But then he thought that I simply wasn't answering his question about money: I *do* respond to messages, and he KNOWS that! Silly dude...
When we got to church for the combined program with the Richmond Church Fellowship, Pastor Edward introduced me to Dennis Lam, who remembered me from some function we had before. (I didn't remember his name, and had to have Cecilia tell me later!) Then he tried introducing me to Clarence and his sister Cecilia, whom I knew from high school and seeing each other around Richmond (and Summer Conference 2000 / Staples) in the intervening years. Clarence is still a big guy, but he's nice too! Jeremy, Eric, and I sat down eventually when the program began... I let Eric "steal" my bowls and chips too. (he said it, I didn't!)
We split up into gender-based teams: there was this interesting girl named Kate, but she had to leave early. Then there was this girl named Kar-Li... yes, spelled like that. (I can only imagine that is what happens when you try transliterating Chinese characters into English letters) We tried building tall freestanding balloon towers using nothing but balloons and tape: my group kinda cheated after a bit and taped ours to the floor and ceiling.
Then there was the model game, where we had to design an outfit made out of newspapers. That resulted in five very creative outfits: Eric was all outfitted as a "person of truth" with fire on the bottom and "Dare to Compare" on his man-purse (he kept his "tie"), Nathan was a crazy person with a yellow hat, Randal was a hockey player, Vivian was also a "person of truth" (the designed costume had George Bush on the bottom, hahaha), and Dianne was a person with shoestrings made out of tape. We watched Derek Zoolander's "catwalk" on Zoolander (with Karen Choo having trouble with the remote and bleeping out a word), which was the most hilarious part (aside from the "catwalk") since the games weren't really my style.
Teresa (the "different" woman) came late, joined in the refreshments time, and correctly identified Dianne as Cindy's sister. I talked to her for a while, and found out a few things: she's 42 or 43, lives by herself in an apartment, and the white dude who picked her up a few days ago is her friend Michael who has a key to her apartment and uses her phone sometimes. Kinda okay, but I dunno... o_O Nathan, Eric, and I were trying not to laugh openly when we heard her ask Vivian if she was married! (she does this ALL the time, and even asked Chung and Karen So if they were married later on... nope, just dating!)
Chung was talking to Billy about how bringing baby Benjamin could be a distraction, and how Danny didn't come out so Helen couldn't take their baby Nicholas out of Bible Study if HE cried! (I also talked to Stella about the baby too) Then I jokingly asked Nathan whether he was married to the food he was eating or to SLB... he kissed his food for me, and went along with the joke. Eric remembered that he's our guru of the SLB cult, haha. I told them what Jamie had said about SLB: "If I ever saw one, I'd step on it! They looked like rolled-up socks!" They agreed with me that it was BLASPHEMY!
I talked to Jeremy a bit about how I was the one behind his SLB invite this week ("sweet!"), Euler ("Oiler") the mathematician, and his new job at the securities place which starts on Monday: the furniture warehouse is working him to the last all weekend since they need him before they lose him. (he also helped me rip paper and hold pens... I'm rubbish at that, and even more so at carrying full food trays in Trinity's cafeteria... aiyoh!) When Jeremy left, Teresa asked me whether he was my friend too: yup, he sure is! ("You know that white guy? Is he your friend too?") Thank goodness she didn't ask whether Jeremy and I were married or anything like that... although I can understand how she and others might get the wrong impression with me and Eric, seeing as he drives me to / from church and she probably only sees me with him entering or exiting! I got Jeremy's cupcakes to take home, and Eric says he'll give me the salsa bowl later: sounds good to me!
Vivian was telling Nathan how her church in France has potlucks that lasted till 5, and pizza get-togethers once a month since it used to be a pizza place: stone ovens in the basement sound cool! Randal brought some interesting cheeses from the Safeway deli: ham, tomato, green peppercorn, olive, fried onion, and goat cheese. Too bad I'm boycotting Safeway unless I absolutely have to buy from there because they misspelled "burgundy" in a recent Air Miles flyer. Eventually, Eric and I went home: on the way to the car, he scared me by going backwards on the sidewalk and then turning around to lunge at me. He's crazy!
We saw an SUV limo with flux capacitators and discussed gas references / being awesome / Strong Sad. Then he wondered why I was laughing at the basketball game on the radio: I wasn't! We heard that the Vancouver Giants were out of the Memorial Cup playoffs, and the Quebec Ramparts had odd on-ice antics after winning: golf swing at the goalie?! Then Eric switched stations and we heard about a Chicago White Sox / Chicago Cubs baseball brawl that recently happened. He asked me whether I liked any of the guys in the Richmond Fellowship, and whether I'd asked for their numbers / given mine to them! Um, no. Neither of us would say that I'm desperate for dates or anything (even though my love life IS non-existent right now), but I dunno why he asked me that. Interesting, though...
He told me that I said "Oh really?" to him at least twice every time he drove me somewhere: this is true, and I told him that I should really have an icon of that owl. Seems popular enough, yet I can't find it! (but I finally did on Flickr!) Not that I subscribe to the whole Netspeak thing or what spawned it, of course. Then he thought I was muttering something.. nope! I told him jokingly that I was rubbish at certain things, and he told me that I had to elevate myself and that I was at the peak of my beauty. (har har) No, he isn't into me.... he was just saying things to counteract my perceived negativity!
Good times, indeed... I got home at around midnight to find that Corey had messaged me with a parody of my current MSN name. "Down With The Establishment! (21 SLB steamers!)" does NOT translate into "Down With The Pants! (2 steamers inside)".. those would be one hot (poopy) blasphemous pair of pants! o_O
Since it's now past 3 AM and I haven't checked my friends page since leaving at 7:15, I should do that before collapsing into bed. Thank goodness it doesn't move as fast as it did when I had RQ on there (what a space hog THAT was!), but it still moves. I can leave comments for later... curse you, late-night Internet searches that take an extraordinarily long time!
Edit at 4:23 AM... I just got buzzed by another hat bot, ofhatsandmen. Too bad I'm going to bed now! :P

This is the O RLY? owl Internet phemomenon taken to new heights of hilarity!
Too bad that definitely exceeds the icon size limit, because that is transfixing! It took me an hour and a half to find the quirky image, which even has a Pho reference! Damn! Wish I could Photobucket it or something, but I can't do that!
Just after I prepared to go out tonight by taking a shower, I called Sam for a ride tomorrow to Awana: since he can take me, I can finally give him his birthday card! (I saw him on Sunday, but as I told Tracy later, it's crazy trying to talk to people on that day!) Then Eric called to see if I could loan him two bowls for his chips and salsa: of course I could! After he picked me up, I told him about my Bookworm high score and mentioned that I had a screenshot. He told me that he didn't want to see screenshots of my scoring... this is why he reminds me of Corey, haha. (Corey always takes "scoring" in hockey to mean "sex" for laughs, and frequently tells me to behave myself when I bring it up... aiyoh!)
I was also way too easily amused by Eric's windshield wipers having their own grooves in the windshield. I told him that I was going to Summer Conference (sigh)... he said that I'd told him, and that he'd responded right after that. Well, I didn't get the message since MSN is weird like that. :P But then he thought that I simply wasn't answering his question about money: I *do* respond to messages, and he KNOWS that! Silly dude...
When we got to church for the combined program with the Richmond Church Fellowship, Pastor Edward introduced me to Dennis Lam, who remembered me from some function we had before. (I didn't remember his name, and had to have Cecilia tell me later!) Then he tried introducing me to Clarence and his sister Cecilia, whom I knew from high school and seeing each other around Richmond (and Summer Conference 2000 / Staples) in the intervening years. Clarence is still a big guy, but he's nice too! Jeremy, Eric, and I sat down eventually when the program began... I let Eric "steal" my bowls and chips too. (he said it, I didn't!)
We split up into gender-based teams: there was this interesting girl named Kate, but she had to leave early. Then there was this girl named Kar-Li... yes, spelled like that. (I can only imagine that is what happens when you try transliterating Chinese characters into English letters) We tried building tall freestanding balloon towers using nothing but balloons and tape: my group kinda cheated after a bit and taped ours to the floor and ceiling.
Then there was the model game, where we had to design an outfit made out of newspapers. That resulted in five very creative outfits: Eric was all outfitted as a "person of truth" with fire on the bottom and "Dare to Compare" on his man-purse (he kept his "tie"), Nathan was a crazy person with a yellow hat, Randal was a hockey player, Vivian was also a "person of truth" (the designed costume had George Bush on the bottom, hahaha), and Dianne was a person with shoestrings made out of tape. We watched Derek Zoolander's "catwalk" on Zoolander (with Karen Choo having trouble with the remote and bleeping out a word), which was the most hilarious part (aside from the "catwalk") since the games weren't really my style.
Teresa (the "different" woman) came late, joined in the refreshments time, and correctly identified Dianne as Cindy's sister. I talked to her for a while, and found out a few things: she's 42 or 43, lives by herself in an apartment, and the white dude who picked her up a few days ago is her friend Michael who has a key to her apartment and uses her phone sometimes. Kinda okay, but I dunno... o_O Nathan, Eric, and I were trying not to laugh openly when we heard her ask Vivian if she was married! (she does this ALL the time, and even asked Chung and Karen So if they were married later on... nope, just dating!)
Chung was talking to Billy about how bringing baby Benjamin could be a distraction, and how Danny didn't come out so Helen couldn't take their baby Nicholas out of Bible Study if HE cried! (I also talked to Stella about the baby too) Then I jokingly asked Nathan whether he was married to the food he was eating or to SLB... he kissed his food for me, and went along with the joke. Eric remembered that he's our guru of the SLB cult, haha. I told them what Jamie had said about SLB: "If I ever saw one, I'd step on it! They looked like rolled-up socks!" They agreed with me that it was BLASPHEMY!
I talked to Jeremy a bit about how I was the one behind his SLB invite this week ("sweet!"), Euler ("Oiler") the mathematician, and his new job at the securities place which starts on Monday: the furniture warehouse is working him to the last all weekend since they need him before they lose him. (he also helped me rip paper and hold pens... I'm rubbish at that, and even more so at carrying full food trays in Trinity's cafeteria... aiyoh!) When Jeremy left, Teresa asked me whether he was my friend too: yup, he sure is! ("You know that white guy? Is he your friend too?") Thank goodness she didn't ask whether Jeremy and I were married or anything like that... although I can understand how she and others might get the wrong impression with me and Eric, seeing as he drives me to / from church and she probably only sees me with him entering or exiting! I got Jeremy's cupcakes to take home, and Eric says he'll give me the salsa bowl later: sounds good to me!
Vivian was telling Nathan how her church in France has potlucks that lasted till 5, and pizza get-togethers once a month since it used to be a pizza place: stone ovens in the basement sound cool! Randal brought some interesting cheeses from the Safeway deli: ham, tomato, green peppercorn, olive, fried onion, and goat cheese. Too bad I'm boycotting Safeway unless I absolutely have to buy from there because they misspelled "burgundy" in a recent Air Miles flyer. Eventually, Eric and I went home: on the way to the car, he scared me by going backwards on the sidewalk and then turning around to lunge at me. He's crazy!
We saw an SUV limo with flux capacitators and discussed gas references / being awesome / Strong Sad. Then he wondered why I was laughing at the basketball game on the radio: I wasn't! We heard that the Vancouver Giants were out of the Memorial Cup playoffs, and the Quebec Ramparts had odd on-ice antics after winning: golf swing at the goalie?! Then Eric switched stations and we heard about a Chicago White Sox / Chicago Cubs baseball brawl that recently happened. He asked me whether I liked any of the guys in the Richmond Fellowship, and whether I'd asked for their numbers / given mine to them! Um, no. Neither of us would say that I'm desperate for dates or anything (even though my love life IS non-existent right now), but I dunno why he asked me that. Interesting, though...
He told me that I said "Oh really?" to him at least twice every time he drove me somewhere: this is true, and I told him that I should really have an icon of that owl. Seems popular enough, yet I can't find it! (but I finally did on Flickr!) Not that I subscribe to the whole Netspeak thing or what spawned it, of course. Then he thought I was muttering something.. nope! I told him jokingly that I was rubbish at certain things, and he told me that I had to elevate myself and that I was at the peak of my beauty. (har har) No, he isn't into me.... he was just saying things to counteract my perceived negativity!
Good times, indeed... I got home at around midnight to find that Corey had messaged me with a parody of my current MSN name. "Down With The Establishment! (21 SLB steamers!)" does NOT translate into "Down With The Pants! (2 steamers inside)".. those would be one hot (poopy) blasphemous pair of pants! o_O
Since it's now past 3 AM and I haven't checked my friends page since leaving at 7:15, I should do that before collapsing into bed. Thank goodness it doesn't move as fast as it did when I had RQ on there (what a space hog THAT was!), but it still moves. I can leave comments for later... curse you, late-night Internet searches that take an extraordinarily long time!
Edit at 4:23 AM... I just got buzzed by another hat bot, ofhatsandmen. Too bad I'm going to bed now! :P
Labels: billy, bookworm, cecilia, corey, dennis, derek, dianne, fellowship, george, helen, icons, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, nicholas, poo, slb, stella, teresa, the missing hat, tracy
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