Friday, January 13, 2006

Forgetfulness / Bugs / Questions 3251-3300 of 5000 / Blogthings

Melia just emailed us about Awana: I knew there was something I half-forgot last week. Although I probably would have slept till 5:20 PM anyhow last Saturday, since I went to bed at 5:35 AM. (and if you followed THAT sentence, you get a reward :P) Ah well, this is why my sleep schedule has to get back to something approaching normality. We'll see what happens tomorrow, heh.

In other news, there is now a bug in my room and I don't know where it is. Aiya.. time to Raid the heck out of the living space! If someone wants to be my man, he'll have to kill bugs and open lids for me. I'm not Superwoman!

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

3251. Are we there yet? No.

3252. Scantron or handwritten tests? Scantron.

3253. What's that sound? GWAR.

3254. True / false: To the maggots on the cheese, the cheese is the universe. True.

3255. What's the best treat to bring with you to elementary school for your birthday? Original answer: "Puppy Chow." I hope that's a joke... My answer: Snack food!

3256. What would you expect to learn from self-interrogation? What you really feel inside, but don't wish to admit to yourself.

3257. When you feel cold, does eating warm food help you feel warm? Not really.

3258. Does being true to yourself mean saying: "screw everybody else, my crap is more important"? No.

3259. Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? Uh, no.

3260. Have you reckoned the earth much? Kinda.

3261. Have you ever had a vision? Yes.

3262. If you have a vision or belief and someone else has a conflicting vision or belief, how do you tell which one is valid? Mine is right, mwahahaha. :P Only kidding. I think they're both valid, unless one is obviously false.

Are they both valid? Yes.

3263. Why is everything based around proof and facts instead of intuition? Man, I had a Milli Vanilli moment there for a second... Girl, You Know It's True... eep. =/

3264. What is the grass? The green plant life that grows from the soil, being thin and breakable in character.

3265. Have you ever supposed it is lucky to be born? I suppose, but I don't really think of things that way.

Is it just as lucky to die? No idea.

3266. What is it that you express in your eyes? My feelings.

3267. What is man anyhow? A very complicated being.

What am I? No clue, but a man would never take the time to make a 5000-Question Survey. :P

and what are you? A woman.

3268. You understand enough. Why don't you let it out? Not sure.

3269. What is less or more than a touch? Less: a brush on the shoulder. More: a hug or kiss.

3270. Why should anyone wish to see God more than they wish to see this day? I don't know.

3271. Have you guessed that after death you yourself would not continue? Yes.

3272. Have you dreaded the earth beetles? No.

3273. Have you feared the future would be nothing to you? Yes.

3274. Is today nothing? No, it's something.

3275. Is the beginingless past nothing? Maybe.

3276. Do you believe in a collective unconscious? Sure, why not.

3277. Jung or Freud? Freud.

3278. What is a "fate worse than death"? Having to endure hell on earth.

3279. What are the 5 main things you think about? Friends, reading, food, family, and music.

3280. Name someone you know. Danielle.

What is the biggest thing you have in common with them? We both think my brother is a weirdo. :P

3281. Do you think that laws should be passed to regulate human breeding? Yes.

3282. Do you think they already exist in a subtle way? Sorta, but not really.

3283. Why is it that so many people are demanding the death penalty as punishment for a wider and wider range of crimes? Maybe as the ultimate deterrent... "DO THIS AND WE KILL YOU! BLAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!"

3284. Is it partially to weed the non-conformists out of the gene pool? Sure.

3285. What does it mean to be free? To be able to do whatever you want, within the rights that you are given.

3286. What does it mean to be tamed or domesticated? To have a master that teaches you how to be socially acceptable.

3287. Is the human animal becoming more and more tame and domestic? No... more wild!

If yes, what is causing this?

Are we becoming more or less free? Less.

3288. Are you embarrassed about your naked body? Yes.

If yes, is that freedom? Not really.

3289. Are you the result of all of evolution up to this point? I suppose if you think about it a certain way.

3290. The murderous person... how does he sleep? He doesn't care about his deeds or the consequences.

3291. Your mother... is she living? Yes.

Have you been much with her? Yes.

And has she been much with you? Yes, more than I can remember.

3292. Are these questions disturbing you? Not really... should they be?

If yes, why?

3293. What are you focused on? That I want to get rid of my ears, that I want to drink some water, that I should do some exercise (yeah right!)...

3294. Have you ever admired wickedness? Not really.

3295. Is the accomplishment of one person the accomplishment of all humanity? No.

Why or why not? Because one person is not all of humanity unless they were the only one left on this earth for some reason or other.

3296. Is the imprisonment of one person the imprisonment of all humanity? Nope.

Why or why not? That is the individual person's problem, and we didn't cause him to sin.

3297. We're just following ancient history. If I strip for you, will you strip for me? No.

3298. Have you ever wished you had not so many clothes? No.

3299. What is the balance between conformity and individual freedom? Not sure.

3300. What do these things have in common: nakedness, sex, killing, fighting, pooping, and death? They're all part of the human condition, and cause varying amounts of stress.

You Should Drive a Bentley Azure

You're all flash, and you love to show off to anyone who will watch.
And you're such a high roller, this is just one car of many for you...

Your Toes Should Be Black

A total rulebreaker (and heartbreaker), you're always a little punk rock.

Your flirting style: Wacky and a bit shocking.

Your ideal guy: An accomplished artist, musician, or writer.

Stay away from: Preppy guys looking for a quick bad girl fling.

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