Saturday, November 26, 2005

"I only heard 3/4 of a G-string!"

This afternoon at Awana seemed to flow much better for me than it has in about a month, which is a good thing. Maybe I'm not quite so worried about certain things as I was before, or maybe Anita W.'s friendly "hi" did it for me, heh. Little Irene's so cute, coming up to me and saying hi! I told Mike that I still had his book (he said it was fine), and asked how he managed to get a paperback copy of the Da Vinci Code anyhow: the airport bookstore had it when he went to Hong Kong last winter! Melia tried on a pig costume that one of the aunties lent to us for the Dec. 10 concert (Mike's mom, ironically enough)... she looked so cute! Jason asked me if it was going to fit: I told him that it was for the kids.. hopefully, anyhow. I asked Sabrina (Chris L.'s girlfriend, not Anita W.'s sister) what her last name was: it turns out that she's Edmond's sister... wow, I didn't know that! Joey teased Emily C. about getting old soon right before I gave her a birthday card... as I told him: "I'm older than she is, so shush!" Haha. (I was writing a few more birthday cards today, and little Eric asked me about them: my personal birthday cards for my friends, whom you don't know!)

Afterwards, we were all standing around and talking. Julie, Tina, Emily, and Sarah were talking about guitars: Sam heard "I have a 3/4 one, and I need to get a G-string!" and instantly turned around and asked what they were talking about! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Although it's like what he learned in Psychology (which he sleeps through at the back since it's his first class of the day): it's not selective hearing like the girls were teasing him about. You can be half-listening to something, and you only pay attention if you hear your name or if something like that comes up! Tina wondered how he ever learned anything there, since she thought it was pretty boring! Emily asked if Sam was going to the Coquitlam worship tonight: he wasn't since he isn't in Timothy anymore, and couldn't get a ride all the way out there besides. (good for me and his mom, haha) As I told Emily half-jokingly: "We old people need to go home and REST!"

Too funny! Good times, indeed. :D

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