Suudsu, Missions Conference, long church meetings
So what have I been doing for the past 30 hours? Sit back, and I'll tell you. On the way home from Nathan's on Friday, Eric tried convincing me to get gummi bears so I could make suudsu: "I can take pictures of it, and then show Danielle! She thinks it's gross to mix gummi bears and milk!" Somehow, I don't think that will work to convince her it's NOT gross... although it sounds better than Mountain Milk (Mountain Dew and milk) or lemon pie dipped in milk! I also told him that I'd link him to Rejected, but he thinks it's gross... maybe the next time we're at Nathan's, haha. (he has the Microsoft anti-spyware thing, which I should probably get too... except my computer failed validation, so perhaps not...)
Here's a picture of suudsu... I took a screenshot from the Strong Bad email, and cropped it all by myself. I'm so proud, haha. :D

On Saturday, I had Awana as per the usual... I may be getting too old or burnt out for this gig, heh. :P Then there was the Missions Conference, with dinner beforehand: I talked to Sheena, Shally, Phil, Chalaine, Randal, Chris, and a few others about life / food / books / memory for names / mentoring / chips / music. Lesley's presentation was so-so, Carl McLeod's was okay (he's in Uzbekistan), and my friends Kelvin and Evelyn's presentation about China and Thailand ROCKED since it had Powerpoint! Afterwards, I checked the hockey score on the TV in the nursery: Colorado beat Vancouver 4-3 in overtime! :(
I went to my parents' after that, and watched MAD TV before going to bed: that stuff is hilarious sometimes! (they had a parody of 24 and an R. Kelly send-up which involved guns and cupboards) As usual, I couldn't sleep until 3 (which includes the time change!)... maybe I *am* a night person, heh. This morning at church, I talked to John and Sophia briefly about their new baby Olivia (she looks so cute when she's sleeping, although you can't tell anything much about the kid)... I also talked to Mike and Emily since they hadn't seen me in some time (they've been sick). For lunch, Dave's mom invited the family over to have dumplings and noodles: very good stuff.. I know I ate a lot! (but I still went to 7-11 afterwards to get candy and Trident Splash gum to munch on / share during the meeting!)
Cindy, Erin, Joe, and others shared my candy with me while the balcony people studied / did papers / went on MSN / talked about Kids' Night in lieu of Halloween trick-or-treating for the kiddies tomorrow. Joe and Phil took advantage of the church's wireless by doing the same paper on their laptops the day before it was due, while Danielle got on MSN and chatted to Phil using her laptop. (yes, he was across the room) I also got Joe's MSN info since Steph added herself to Phil's MSN list.. and added him when I got home. Michelle decided she couldn't trust Melia or Joey to tell her whether she had any sticky fuzzy green dots on her, so she turned to me: I took a couple off for her, even! Erin gave me a couple of Canadian stamps for free once she saw my birthday card for my Calgary friend Darren... so thoughtful of her! :D
Steph and Eric decided to scrutinize people counting ballots: their names might be in the minutes next time, so that's church fame for you, haha! Later on, Eric asked good questions: we congratulated him when he came back upstairs. We all had to laugh as the meeting wore on and Katherine (without fail) rendered the word "congregation" as "conjugation." (at first, we weren't sure whether we were hearing things...) Since I was signing a pile of November birthday cards (Margaret / Vanessa / David / Brenda / Tim / Karen Kwan / Melia / Winnie / Joanna / Jon / Emily / my Calgary friend Darren), a few people asked me about those. Joey denied feeling left out, while Erin's brother Darren wondered where I got all my random stickers... from the card shop, to be sure! (although I may have to stop buying them from Hallmark since they decided to offer less for the same price :P)
After the meeting finally let out at almost 5, Steph told Clement that we had to have another "support group" meeting for old times' sake, especially since none of us are studying anymore. It'll be great if his girlfriend Jocelyn can make it out to dinner, and even more awesome if his sister Fidela's in town from Wheaton (near Chicago) for the US Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Clement said Jocelyn could make it anytime, and it would be super if we could pick a Sunday night when a Canucks game is on... since I'm on top of things, I emailed my sister a list of Sunday night games.
Now, I just want to relax and catch up! Corey's bugging me about smoking pot: he says that since I live near a big pothead town, I should be able to find some! (he advised me to buy Visine to get the red out of my eyes if I ever did) That might be the case, but I dunno... I wouldn't even know where to start looking IF a desire overcame me to do that stuff, which it hasn't! :P
Here's a picture of suudsu... I took a screenshot from the Strong Bad email, and cropped it all by myself. I'm so proud, haha. :D

On Saturday, I had Awana as per the usual... I may be getting too old or burnt out for this gig, heh. :P Then there was the Missions Conference, with dinner beforehand: I talked to Sheena, Shally, Phil, Chalaine, Randal, Chris, and a few others about life / food / books / memory for names / mentoring / chips / music. Lesley's presentation was so-so, Carl McLeod's was okay (he's in Uzbekistan), and my friends Kelvin and Evelyn's presentation about China and Thailand ROCKED since it had Powerpoint! Afterwards, I checked the hockey score on the TV in the nursery: Colorado beat Vancouver 4-3 in overtime! :(
I went to my parents' after that, and watched MAD TV before going to bed: that stuff is hilarious sometimes! (they had a parody of 24 and an R. Kelly send-up which involved guns and cupboards) As usual, I couldn't sleep until 3 (which includes the time change!)... maybe I *am* a night person, heh. This morning at church, I talked to John and Sophia briefly about their new baby Olivia (she looks so cute when she's sleeping, although you can't tell anything much about the kid)... I also talked to Mike and Emily since they hadn't seen me in some time (they've been sick). For lunch, Dave's mom invited the family over to have dumplings and noodles: very good stuff.. I know I ate a lot! (but I still went to 7-11 afterwards to get candy and Trident Splash gum to munch on / share during the meeting!)
Cindy, Erin, Joe, and others shared my candy with me while the balcony people studied / did papers / went on MSN / talked about Kids' Night in lieu of Halloween trick-or-treating for the kiddies tomorrow. Joe and Phil took advantage of the church's wireless by doing the same paper on their laptops the day before it was due, while Danielle got on MSN and chatted to Phil using her laptop. (yes, he was across the room) I also got Joe's MSN info since Steph added herself to Phil's MSN list.. and added him when I got home. Michelle decided she couldn't trust Melia or Joey to tell her whether she had any sticky fuzzy green dots on her, so she turned to me: I took a couple off for her, even! Erin gave me a couple of Canadian stamps for free once she saw my birthday card for my Calgary friend Darren... so thoughtful of her! :D
Steph and Eric decided to scrutinize people counting ballots: their names might be in the minutes next time, so that's church fame for you, haha! Later on, Eric asked good questions: we congratulated him when he came back upstairs. We all had to laugh as the meeting wore on and Katherine (without fail) rendered the word "congregation" as "conjugation." (at first, we weren't sure whether we were hearing things...) Since I was signing a pile of November birthday cards (Margaret / Vanessa / David / Brenda / Tim / Karen Kwan / Melia / Winnie / Joanna / Jon / Emily / my Calgary friend Darren), a few people asked me about those. Joey denied feeling left out, while Erin's brother Darren wondered where I got all my random stickers... from the card shop, to be sure! (although I may have to stop buying them from Hallmark since they decided to offer less for the same price :P)
After the meeting finally let out at almost 5, Steph told Clement that we had to have another "support group" meeting for old times' sake, especially since none of us are studying anymore. It'll be great if his girlfriend Jocelyn can make it out to dinner, and even more awesome if his sister Fidela's in town from Wheaton (near Chicago) for the US Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Clement said Jocelyn could make it anytime, and it would be super if we could pick a Sunday night when a Canucks game is on... since I'm on top of things, I emailed my sister a list of Sunday night games.
Now, I just want to relax and catch up! Corey's bugging me about smoking pot: he says that since I live near a big pothead town, I should be able to find some! (he advised me to buy Visine to get the red out of my eyes if I ever did) That might be the case, but I dunno... I wouldn't even know where to start looking IF a desire overcame me to do that stuff, which it hasn't! :P
Labels: chalaine, clement, computer, danielle, emily, eric m., halloween, holidays, homestar runner, jocelyn, kelly, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, michelle, photos, rejected, sheena, stickers, tim, vanessa
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