Thursday, March 24, 2005

Orange trees, cigar trees, my middle name, breakup, Bo Kong, Friday plans, quizzes

Corey thinks I may be part orange tree and never knew it, just because I had a dream last night where I had oranges / orange streaks on my head. ("I was going to suggest that you had an orange tree in your family at some point, but maybe your family tree is an orange tree!") Hahaha, he is amusing! Now I'm telling him about my middle name and cigar trees... good times! :D (although he jokingly thinks potato salad grows on cigar trees, and that bird poop grows on trees in general... hahaha!)

In other news, I finally got to tell Erik of what happened a couple weeks ago. I'd been meaning to tell him ever since it happened, but hadn't really seen him online. Finally, I told him about Stephen in a PM. Theoretically, it should really get easier with each telling, but it didn't... maybe this is because I consider him a special friend? *shrug* He was the last person that I had in mind to tell... everyone else already knows.

Just made lunch plans with my mom for 12:45 tomorrow, too. We're going to try the Bo Kong vegetarian restaurant. Too bad Josh and I don't keep in touch, otherwise I could tell him how it is. (a few months back, he wanted to know how it was if I ever tried it) Good thing that Save-On Foods is nearby, as I do need to shop for more stuff than I got yesterday. (milk, yogurt, things like that) It helps that they have a car, dry ice, and coupons. All important things for a grocery run. :D

Eric says he'll pick me up at 6:30 tomorrow night. Good Friday service starts a half hour earlier than usual, so I can count on leaving at 6:35 or 6:40. It'll be a pretty solemn service, as in past years. I remember nailing our sins to the cross, too... Citrus had to help me with it last year! Guess I'll see what happens!

I can't do the Classic Female Literary Character Test... there are misspellings in the picture results. :P

Edit at 11: Jello Biafra is on Punk-O-Rama. :D

Note: LJ Summer Holiday Memegen, by chynafox.

Your Husband Generator by Lady_Galadriel
Your Husband Is
You Metin the streets
You Have7 children
Where You LiveJapan
Ina bungalow
You And Your Partner Are Best Known Foryour GIANT shopping sprees
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How do you fit all that into a bungalow?! o_O

You Are 5% Redneck

I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style.
You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee!

You scored as Beast.

Codename: The Beast
Full Name: Henry P. McCoy
Mutant Powers: Increased agility, strength and stamina.

Henry "Hank" McCoy is a founding member of the X-Men. Of all his original teammates, Hank had the best childhood and loving parents, so his temper and way of living was one of the happiest at the mansion. Beast's mutation at first was hardly noticeable, but while away from the team, Hank made a terrible mistake: testing a new substance that he was using to study the x-factor. Beast tried the substance on himself. This caused a further mutation on his body, covering him with gray fur that later became blue, fangs and great nails. He had then indeed become a "beast."

One of the only students at the mansion who took up an education beyond that of the Xavier school, Beast's studies were in the biogenetic area of his field. Possessing a quick wit, a wry sense of humour, and scholarly wisdom, he also has a penchant for quoting the classics and poetry. Despite his beastly exterior, he is possessed of incredible genius, making him one of the most intelligent minds in the world.







Professor X










Jean Grey










Which X-Men member are You?
created with

You are the Spirit of Anger. You are every inch the
bad girl. Something happened to make you so
angry, and you need to channel it out. If anyone
gets in your way, they're in for a big shock.
Friends are not essential for you; you don't
care whether they're there or not. But if you
do have friends, they will be the most loyal, for
it takes a lot to become your friend. You
attract people to you, so a partner is no
trouble. But if they can't handle you, then
they're out the window.

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Aiyoh. I would HOPE not... o_O

On the other hand... "out the window" as in defenestration? Coolness!

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