General Tso's chicken / Quizzes
leaving Jon's really soon, but had to update again..
had a conversation with Corey about weird food..
yes, he's had General Tso's chicken before I have..
never mind other "strange" Chinese food I tell him about..
Farrah and I complained about the LJ pissiness earlier..
just got an encouraging email from Andy.. thanks, dude..
he wished me a happy belated birthday.. love friends!
if a birthday celebration continues until the last wish is given, then mine's lasted a long time..
definitely appreciate the thought, even if it was late!
Take the quiz:
what anime character are you?

Homer Simpson
you are very lazy.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Homer Simpson (You scored 2)
* Hiei (You scored 0)
* Inuyasha (You scored 1)
* Vash the Stampede (You scored 0)
* none (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
What ER Character Are You?

Congrats! You are Sam Taggart! You were young when you had your son, Alex. When you began to work at County, Alex began to befriend Dr. Luka Kovac. You disapproved of his friendship with an adult. You also found out a few things about Luka that you might not have liked very much, but that didn't stop you from kissing him on the subway that night, and now the two of you are beginning to fall in love.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Cooper (You scored 1)
* Abby (You scored 2)
* Neela (You scored 0)
* Luka (You scored 0)
* Romano (You scored 0)
* Carter (You scored 0)
* Sam (You scored 4)
Take the quiz:
what color moon dragon are you?

You're a mysterious person. You don't let people get too close to you because you're afraid of getting hurt. I'm like you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Yellow (You scored 2)
* Green (You scored 1)
* Silver (You scored 3)
* Blue (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
How would my dragon rate you?
He likes you (showoff)
You like dragons, power, blood, and death to all pansies! Good for you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* He likes you (showoff) (You scored 2)
* You may bow before him and love him a little (You scored 2)
* You can walk away unscathed (lucky) (You scored 2)
* Run... very, very fast (whoosh! Ha, too slow) (You scored 0)
* You are a pile of ash (he didn't like you at all) (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
Are you a vampire?
You respect 'em, but you don't like 'em (damn you)
You would rather leave them alone. You have heard about them, but choose to push that information to the back of your head. Watch your back, buddy.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Yep. You are a bloodsucker (yeah, join the club) (You scored 0)
* You enjoy the fangs; not much else (amateur) (You scored 0)
* You respect 'em, but you don't like 'em (damn you) (You scored 2)
* You are a potential victim (ha ha) (You scored 2)
Take the quiz:
What Would You Most Likely Throw Through A Window?

Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Congrats! You have decided to throw your boyfriend or girlfriend out of a window. Are they really that mean??? Try ignoring them, or be nice to them. If that doesn't work, by all means, throw them out!!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Yay for defenestration! :D
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Your Fake Arm (You scored 0)
* A Tennis Ball (You scored 1)
* Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend (You scored 2)
* Yourself (You scored 0)
* ??? (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
Would I like you?
Sorta. Just don't get on my bad side.
You are sometimes wild, but you prefer to keep a low profile.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Hell, yes! You're just like me. Crazy and wild. (You scored 0)
* Sorta. Just don't get on my bad side. (You scored 2)
* NO WAY! You are boring, dim, and not worth my time. (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
would you ever kill yourself?

I don't really know
you're lost in life... you don't know anything
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* yeah, you would (You scored 1)
* I don't really know (You scored 2)
* nope (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:

You're like Aragorn. You are brave and honest. You fight for the freedom of all, and you do not give in easily. You would make a great leader, but you are very independent and like time alone. You know your surroundings well, and you enjoy being close to nature.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Aragorn (You scored 1)
* Arwen (You scored 1)
* Boromir (You scored 0)
* Gandalf (You scored 1)
* Frodo (You scored 0)
* Gimli (You scored 0)
* Gollum (You scored 0)
* Eowyn (You scored 0)
* Legolas (You scored 0)
* Merry (You scored 0)
* Bilbo (You scored 0)
* Pippin (You scored 1)
* Wormtongue (You scored 0)
* Sam (You scored 0)
* Sauron (You scored 0)
* Saruman (You scored 0)
had a conversation with Corey about weird food..
yes, he's had General Tso's chicken before I have..
never mind other "strange" Chinese food I tell him about..
Farrah and I complained about the LJ pissiness earlier..
just got an encouraging email from Andy.. thanks, dude..
he wished me a happy belated birthday.. love friends!
if a birthday celebration continues until the last wish is given, then mine's lasted a long time..
definitely appreciate the thought, even if it was late!
what anime character are you?

Homer Simpson
you are very lazy.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Homer Simpson (You scored 2)
* Hiei (You scored 0)
* Inuyasha (You scored 1)
* Vash the Stampede (You scored 0)
* none (You scored 0)
What ER Character Are You?

Congrats! You are Sam Taggart! You were young when you had your son, Alex. When you began to work at County, Alex began to befriend Dr. Luka Kovac. You disapproved of his friendship with an adult. You also found out a few things about Luka that you might not have liked very much, but that didn't stop you from kissing him on the subway that night, and now the two of you are beginning to fall in love.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Cooper (You scored 1)
* Abby (You scored 2)
* Neela (You scored 0)
* Luka (You scored 0)
* Romano (You scored 0)
* Carter (You scored 0)
* Sam (You scored 4)
what color moon dragon are you?

You're a mysterious person. You don't let people get too close to you because you're afraid of getting hurt. I'm like you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Yellow (You scored 2)
* Green (You scored 1)
* Silver (You scored 3)
* Blue (You scored 1)
How would my dragon rate you?
He likes you (showoff)
You like dragons, power, blood, and death to all pansies! Good for you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* He likes you (showoff) (You scored 2)
* You may bow before him and love him a little (You scored 2)
* You can walk away unscathed (lucky) (You scored 2)
* Run... very, very fast (whoosh! Ha, too slow) (You scored 0)
* You are a pile of ash (he didn't like you at all) (You scored 0)
Are you a vampire?
You respect 'em, but you don't like 'em (damn you)
You would rather leave them alone. You have heard about them, but choose to push that information to the back of your head. Watch your back, buddy.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Yep. You are a bloodsucker (yeah, join the club) (You scored 0)
* You enjoy the fangs; not much else (amateur) (You scored 0)
* You respect 'em, but you don't like 'em (damn you) (You scored 2)
* You are a potential victim (ha ha) (You scored 2)
What Would You Most Likely Throw Through A Window?

Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Congrats! You have decided to throw your boyfriend or girlfriend out of a window. Are they really that mean??? Try ignoring them, or be nice to them. If that doesn't work, by all means, throw them out!!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Yay for defenestration! :D
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Your Fake Arm (You scored 0)
* A Tennis Ball (You scored 1)
* Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend (You scored 2)
* Yourself (You scored 0)
* ??? (You scored 1)
Would I like you?
Sorta. Just don't get on my bad side.
You are sometimes wild, but you prefer to keep a low profile.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Hell, yes! You're just like me. Crazy and wild. (You scored 0)
* Sorta. Just don't get on my bad side. (You scored 2)
* NO WAY! You are boring, dim, and not worth my time. (You scored 1)
would you ever kill yourself?

I don't really know
you're lost in life... you don't know anything
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* yeah, you would (You scored 1)
* I don't really know (You scored 2)
* nope (You scored 1)

You're like Aragorn. You are brave and honest. You fight for the freedom of all, and you do not give in easily. You would make a great leader, but you are very independent and like time alone. You know your surroundings well, and you enjoy being close to nature.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Aragorn (You scored 1)
* Arwen (You scored 1)
* Boromir (You scored 0)
* Gandalf (You scored 1)
* Frodo (You scored 0)
* Gimli (You scored 0)
* Gollum (You scored 0)
* Eowyn (You scored 0)
* Legolas (You scored 0)
* Merry (You scored 0)
* Bilbo (You scored 0)
* Pippin (You scored 1)
* Wormtongue (You scored 0)
* Sam (You scored 0)
* Sauron (You scored 0)
* Saruman (You scored 0)
Labels: alex, birthdays, characters, chinese, corey, death, dragon ball, emails, farrah, food, jon, lj, lord of the rings, maxed-out tags limit, sam, sex, stephen, weird stuff, wishes, zenhex
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