Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I've heard back from Bill Zollinger!

finally heard back from my friend Bill..
hadn't heard from him in some time..
I was getting worried for a bit there..
he updated me on the last few months..
(sounded pretty good, on the whole)
and asked what had been going on with me..
after considering for a bit, I told him everything..

it sucks to lose friends, but it's cool to hear from old ones..
I hope he'll still be a friend of mine after reading my reply..
(yeah, I'm getting a bit paranoid and insecure in myself :P)
we've managed to keep up an email correspondence, though..
no, I don't THINK he's the "dumping" kind of person..
but then I thought the same of other people previously..
ah well, I guess the next few days will prove it or not..
I'm willing to make allowances for his busy schedule and all..
so we'll see if I'm more upset or not by Saturday, maybe ;)

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