Emoticons in blog / Nutty character set
and I just got a question from Spoz..
"whoa.. how'd you get that emoticon in your blog?"
it's from another MB that I go to..
here's the full list, plus images and the HTML tag..
just input the desired link where it says "URL of image"..
now I'll risk superimposition for a week ;)
(but it's faster than emailing and waiting for Yahoo to load!)
< img src="URL of image" > (without the spaces)
Taken from Roger and Lori's Emoticons on the Prodigy Pages, mostly.

Since I've wanted to have a post with all my smileys since last week, I'll just do it here. Enjoy the graphical representations mainly stolen from Erik's site! ;)

CRAZY SYMBOLS (nutty Alt-numeric combinations) Use these or the Character Map, haha.
! (Alt-0033)
" (Alt-0034)
# (Alt-0035)
$ (Alt-0036)
% (Alt-0037)
& (Alt-0038)
' (Alt-0039)
( (Alt-0040)
) (Alt-0041)
* (Alt-0042)
, (Alt-0044)
- (Alt-0045)
. (Alt-0046)
/ (Alt-0047)
0 (Alt-0048)
1 (Alt-0049)
2 (Alt-0050)
3 (Alt-0051)
4 (Alt-0052)
5 (Alt-0053)
6 (Alt-0054)
7 (Alt-0055)
8 (Alt-0056)
9 (Alt-0057)
: (Alt-0058)
; (Alt-0059)
< (Alt-0060) = (Alt-0061) > (Alt-0062)
? (Alt-0063)
@ (Alt-0064)
A (Alt-0065)
B (Alt-0066)
C (Alt-0067)
D (Alt-0068)
E (Alt-0069)
F (Alt-0070)
G (Alt-0071)
H (Alt-0072)
I (Alt-0073)
J (Alt-0074)
K (Alt-0075)
L (Alt-0076)
M (Alt-0077)
N (Alt-0078)
O (Alt-0079)
P (Alt-0080)
Q (Alt-0081)
R (Alt-0082)
S (Alt-0083)
T (Alt-0084)
U (Alt-0085)
V (Alt-0086)
W (Alt-0087)
X (Alt-0088)
Y (Alt-0089)
Z (Alt-0090)
[ (Alt-0091)
\ (Alt-0092)
] (Alt-0093)
^ (Alt-0094)
_ (Alt-0095)
` (Alt-0096)
a (Alt-0097)
b (Alt-0098)
c (Alt-0099)
d (Alt-0100)
e (Alt-0101)
f (Alt-0102)
g (Alt-0103)
h (Alt-0104)
i (Alt-0105)
j (Alt-0106)
k (Alt-0107)
l (Alt-0108)
m (Alt-0109)
n (Alt-0110)
o (Alt-0111)
p (Alt-0112)
q (Alt-0113)
r (Alt-0114)
s (Alt-0115)
t (Alt-0116)
u (Alt-0117)
v (Alt-0118)
w (Alt-0119)
x (Alt-0120)
y (Alt-0121)
z (Alt-0122)
{ (Alt-0123)
| (Alt-0124)
} (Alt-0125)
~ (Alt-0126)
‚ (Alt-0130)
ƒ (Alt-0131)
ä (Alt-0132)
… (Alt-0133)
† (Alt-0134)
‡ (Alt-0135)
ˆ (Alt-0136)
‰ (Alt-0137)
Š (Alt-0138)
‹ (Alt-0139)
Œ (Alt-0140)
‘ (Alt-0145)
’ (Alt-0146)
“ (Alt-0147)
” (Alt-0148)
• (Alt-0149)
– (Alt-0150)
— (Alt-0151)
˜ (Alt-0152)
™ (Alt-0153)
š (Alt-0154)
› (Alt-0155)
œ (Alt-0156)
?ž (Alt-0158)
Ÿ (Alt-0159)
¡ (Alt-0161)
¢ (Alt-0162)
£ (Alt-0163)
¤ (Alt-0164)
¥ (Alt-0165)
¦ (Alt-0166)
§ (Alt-0167)
¨ (Alt-0168)
© (Alt-0169)
ª (Alt-0170)
« (Alt-0171)
¬ (Alt-0172)
_ (Alt-0173)
® (Alt-0174)
¯ (Alt-0175)
° (Alt-0176)
± (Alt-0177)
² (Alt-0178)
³ (Alt-0179)
´ (Alt-0180)
µ (Alt-0181)
¶ (Alt-0182)
· (Alt-0183)
¸ (Alt-0184)
¹ (Alt-0185)
º (Alt-0186)
» (Alt-0187)
¼ (Alt-0188)
½ (Alt-0189)
¾ (Alt-0190)
¿ (Alt-0191)
À (Alt-0191)
À (Alt-0192)
Á (Alt-0193)
à (Alt-0195)
Ä (Alt-0196)
Å (Alt-0197)
Æ (Alt-0198)
Ç (Alt-0199)
È (Alt-0200)
É (Alt-0201)
Ê (Alt-0202)
Ë (Alt-0203)
Ì (Alt-0204)
Í (Alt-0205)
Î (Alt-0206)
Ï (Alt-0207)
Ð (Alt-0208)
Ñ (Alt-0209)
Ò (Alt-0210)
Ó (Alt-0211)
Ô (Alt-0212)
Õ (Alt-0213)
Ö (Alt-0214)
× (Alt-0215)
Ø (Alt-0216)
Ù (Alt-0217)
Ú (Alt-0218)
Û (Alt-0219)
Ü (Alt-0220)
Ý (Alt-0221)
Þ (Alt-0222)
ß (Alt-0223)
à (Alt-0224)
á (Alt-0225)
â (Alt-0226)
ã (Alt-0227)
ä (Alt-0228)
å (Alt-0229)
æ (Alt-0230)
ç (Alt-0231)
è (Alt-0232)
é (Alt-0233)
ê (Alt-0234)
ë (Alt-0235)
ì (Alt-0236)
í (Alt-0237)
î (Alt-0238)
ï (Alt-0239)
ð (Alt-0240)
ñ (Alt-0241)
ò (Alt-0242)
ó (Alt-0243)
ô (Alt-0244)
õ (Alt-0245)
ö (Alt-0246)
÷ (Alt-0247)
ø (Alt-0248)
ù (Alt-0249)
ú (Alt-0250)
û (Alt-0251)
ü (Alt-0252)
ý (Alt-0253)
þ (Alt-0254)
ÿ (Alt-0255)
"whoa.. how'd you get that emoticon in your blog?"
it's from another MB that I go to..
here's the full list, plus images and the HTML tag..
just input the desired link where it says "URL of image"..
now I'll risk superimposition for a week ;)
(but it's faster than emailing and waiting for Yahoo to load!)
< img src="URL of image" > (without the spaces)
Taken from Roger and Lori's Emoticons on the Prodigy Pages, mostly.

Since I've wanted to have a post with all my smileys since last week, I'll just do it here. Enjoy the graphical representations mainly stolen from Erik's site! ;)

CRAZY SYMBOLS (nutty Alt-numeric combinations) Use these or the Character Map, haha.
! (Alt-0033)
" (Alt-0034)
# (Alt-0035)
$ (Alt-0036)
% (Alt-0037)
& (Alt-0038)
' (Alt-0039)
( (Alt-0040)
) (Alt-0041)
* (Alt-0042)
, (Alt-0044)
- (Alt-0045)
. (Alt-0046)
/ (Alt-0047)
0 (Alt-0048)
1 (Alt-0049)
2 (Alt-0050)
3 (Alt-0051)
4 (Alt-0052)
5 (Alt-0053)
6 (Alt-0054)
7 (Alt-0055)
8 (Alt-0056)
9 (Alt-0057)
: (Alt-0058)
; (Alt-0059)
< (Alt-0060) = (Alt-0061) > (Alt-0062)
? (Alt-0063)
@ (Alt-0064)
A (Alt-0065)
B (Alt-0066)
C (Alt-0067)
D (Alt-0068)
E (Alt-0069)
F (Alt-0070)
G (Alt-0071)
H (Alt-0072)
I (Alt-0073)
J (Alt-0074)
K (Alt-0075)
L (Alt-0076)
M (Alt-0077)
N (Alt-0078)
O (Alt-0079)
P (Alt-0080)
Q (Alt-0081)
R (Alt-0082)
S (Alt-0083)
T (Alt-0084)
U (Alt-0085)
V (Alt-0086)
W (Alt-0087)
X (Alt-0088)
Y (Alt-0089)
Z (Alt-0090)
[ (Alt-0091)
\ (Alt-0092)
] (Alt-0093)
^ (Alt-0094)
_ (Alt-0095)
` (Alt-0096)
a (Alt-0097)
b (Alt-0098)
c (Alt-0099)
d (Alt-0100)
e (Alt-0101)
f (Alt-0102)
g (Alt-0103)
h (Alt-0104)
i (Alt-0105)
j (Alt-0106)
k (Alt-0107)
l (Alt-0108)
m (Alt-0109)
n (Alt-0110)
o (Alt-0111)
p (Alt-0112)
q (Alt-0113)
r (Alt-0114)
s (Alt-0115)
t (Alt-0116)
u (Alt-0117)
v (Alt-0118)
w (Alt-0119)
x (Alt-0120)
y (Alt-0121)
z (Alt-0122)
{ (Alt-0123)
| (Alt-0124)
} (Alt-0125)
~ (Alt-0126)
‚ (Alt-0130)
ƒ (Alt-0131)
ä (Alt-0132)
… (Alt-0133)
† (Alt-0134)
‡ (Alt-0135)
ˆ (Alt-0136)
‰ (Alt-0137)
Š (Alt-0138)
‹ (Alt-0139)
Œ (Alt-0140)
‘ (Alt-0145)
’ (Alt-0146)
“ (Alt-0147)
” (Alt-0148)
• (Alt-0149)
– (Alt-0150)
— (Alt-0151)
˜ (Alt-0152)
™ (Alt-0153)
š (Alt-0154)
› (Alt-0155)
œ (Alt-0156)
?ž (Alt-0158)
Ÿ (Alt-0159)
¡ (Alt-0161)
¢ (Alt-0162)
£ (Alt-0163)
¤ (Alt-0164)
¥ (Alt-0165)
¦ (Alt-0166)
§ (Alt-0167)
¨ (Alt-0168)
© (Alt-0169)
ª (Alt-0170)
« (Alt-0171)
¬ (Alt-0172)
_ (Alt-0173)
® (Alt-0174)
¯ (Alt-0175)
° (Alt-0176)
± (Alt-0177)
² (Alt-0178)
³ (Alt-0179)
´ (Alt-0180)
µ (Alt-0181)
¶ (Alt-0182)
· (Alt-0183)
¸ (Alt-0184)
¹ (Alt-0185)
º (Alt-0186)
» (Alt-0187)
¼ (Alt-0188)
½ (Alt-0189)
¾ (Alt-0190)
¿ (Alt-0191)
À (Alt-0191)
À (Alt-0192)
Á (Alt-0193)
à (Alt-0195)
Ä (Alt-0196)
Å (Alt-0197)
Æ (Alt-0198)
Ç (Alt-0199)
È (Alt-0200)
É (Alt-0201)
Ê (Alt-0202)
Ë (Alt-0203)
Ì (Alt-0204)
Í (Alt-0205)
Î (Alt-0206)
Ï (Alt-0207)
Ð (Alt-0208)
Ñ (Alt-0209)
Ò (Alt-0210)
Ó (Alt-0211)
Ô (Alt-0212)
Õ (Alt-0213)
Ö (Alt-0214)
× (Alt-0215)
Ø (Alt-0216)
Ù (Alt-0217)
Ú (Alt-0218)
Û (Alt-0219)
Ü (Alt-0220)
Ý (Alt-0221)
Þ (Alt-0222)
ß (Alt-0223)
à (Alt-0224)
á (Alt-0225)
â (Alt-0226)
ã (Alt-0227)
ä (Alt-0228)
å (Alt-0229)
æ (Alt-0230)
ç (Alt-0231)
è (Alt-0232)
é (Alt-0233)
ê (Alt-0234)
ë (Alt-0235)
ì (Alt-0236)
í (Alt-0237)
î (Alt-0238)
ï (Alt-0239)
ð (Alt-0240)
ñ (Alt-0241)
ò (Alt-0242)
ó (Alt-0243)
ô (Alt-0244)
õ (Alt-0245)
ö (Alt-0246)
÷ (Alt-0247)
ø (Alt-0248)
ù (Alt-0249)
ú (Alt-0250)
û (Alt-0251)
ü (Alt-0252)
ý (Alt-0253)
þ (Alt-0254)
ÿ (Alt-0255)
Labels: characters, emails, erik, lists, our place, random, smileys, spoz
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