Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grand Canyon, laptop refusing to turn on, hyper / drunk

Got up at 9:15, but missed Eric's call five minutes later anyway. Apparently, I have only a couple of days to decide if I'm going to the Grand Canyon or not; maybe not, since it involves hill walking and an extra expense which my parents will bug me about if I complain! The Internet / computer was being slow earlier, but it seems to be back to normal now, although the laptop refuses to turn on right after I turn it off - it'll just shut down automatically. *fingers crossed* I've decided not to go, actually - too much hill walking, haha. After asking me whether I wanted gingered pickled pig's feet in vinegar with eggs (I am NOT the mother of a newborn!), Mom said Steph is going over for lunch tomorrow since she needs the scanner for photos; she's agreed to drive me, while saying that I seem hyper or drunk. HAHAHA, no! I'd finished a conversation with a good friend, is all. :D

Time to have a shower and then do laundry, as I only have one towel left. :P

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