Chimera Lab washroom save frogs, Eric Ho, and James
Tried calling Chinese Eric at 7:30, but his mom said he was sleeping; hey, I had something VERY IMPORTANT to tell him, man! Then James got on YM to talk about stuff, so it's fine. At 10:20, Eric called back - I talked to him about Sunday at 6, so he says he'll call me on Saturday evening or get me online, whichever works! I also told him the very important news, so we talked about congratulations, cards, Jeremy, Danielle / Nathan being very busy, health, doctors, Christon, Eric M. / Alistair / the football game on Sunday, and keeping things on the down-low! (hey, I thought exactly the same thing before he said it!) Now my heart is happy! (and the Internet is back after a very brief outage - I think I restarted my router, and that did it)
I found another save frog in yet another washroom for Jamie (jaebird), this time in the MOTHER 3 Chimera Lab:

I found another save frog in yet another washroom for Jamie (jaebird), this time in the MOTHER 3 Chimera Lab:

Labels: cards, christon, danielle, eric h., games, internet, james, jamie, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, news, phone calls, pictures, plans, sick, sleep, songs, sunday dinners, ym
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