Friday, April 22, 2011

SushiHolic, the Liberals, literature, Radiohead, normal dim sum, chili and cornbread, seasons

Eric said that SushiHolic would probably still be open today, but I decided to check just in case. I called them and they're open, so basically we have no worries about dinner tonight! Also, some Liberal people knocked at my door - GO AWAY! Teunis finally got up while I was in the shower - talked about sickness, being dizzy, not going shopping, literature / sci-fi / fantasy, and more. Found myself in a Radiohead mood, so played that while calling my sister before she goes to Haiti - says Lisa was falling asleep during the hockey game, which was probably best! She also says Dad was normal during dim sum a few days ago, which is good. Jeremy says his parents leave in the early afternoon, so his place should be open for business after that with chili / cornbread - I'll see what Eric has to say about that tonight!

You Are Spring

You can't help but be influenced by the world around you. You are open to change and growth.

You are optimistic and trusting. You expect the best from people and usually get it.

You are autonomous and fulfilled. You know how to make yourself happy.

You are sweet and angelic. You try your best to never harm or hurt others in any way.

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