Thursday, April 28, 2011

Milk requirements, Brighouse NOT blocking LJ, and colored hyperlinks

I called Barry since he'd called me - May 2 it is for shopping! Teunis seemed to be stressed from fixing Hundred Mile House stuff, and I mistakenly opened a Sidekicks package that required milk when we don't have much - I knew I should have bought some yesterday at the store! Oh well, Ziploc bags and bag clips shall be my saviors in this case! At least the Butter and Herb one doesn't require any milk... he did say that the microwave cut off his Internet, and that I was protected from such things by the wall, hahaha. We also discussed hackers, servers, Ubuntu, Linux, no bread / sandwiches for him, milk, and my going out while he was meeting with someone online. Normally, I wouldn't - but trust me when I say he probably would wish I had!

At the library, I borrowed the Walter Moers books on the shelf since I was there anyway, then logged into the computers. I was very surprised when LJ was NOT blocked since it was before 3-6 PM! (last year, they would block LJ) Tried doing dungeons / space adventures, but I couldn't because the visited hyperlinks were the same color as non-visited links, and that made it hard to figure out just where I'd been before! (memory only takes me so far, especially in HUGE adventures!) When I got home, Teunis said he'd liked the noodles - good, then!

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