Blue-Green-Yellow Traits Tagging! / Alka-Seltzer mascot
Got this "blue-green-yellow" tagging picture from Mandy O. AKA italianbeenher:

Trivia fact for Tuesday, Dec. 28: What was the original name of the cheerful Alka-Seltzer mascot who has a tablet body and hat? Sparky. Soon after he was created in 1951, his name was changed to Speedy to reinforce manufacturer Bayer's promise of speedy relief.

Trivia fact for Tuesday, Dec. 28: What was the original name of the cheerful Alka-Seltzer mascot who has a tablet body and hat? Sparky. Soon after he was created in 1951, his name was changed to Speedy to reinforce manufacturer Bayer's promise of speedy relief.
Labels: 2010, friends, life, mandy, memes, names, page-a-day, pictures, tagging
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