Saturday, November 27, 2010

Morning ushering, New Jersey Milk bars, new Fit-Overs, and addresses

Henry picked me up a little later than I was expecting, but it was all good. He had to transport a cat to his mom's workplace (the BMW dealership?), so I was looking at the sidewalk very carefully as we passed it going on Westminster. It seemed to be very clear of such menaces as snow and ice, which was good as I planned to go out later and get some stuff! On the way to Awana, he got a Winter Conference-related call: USHERING IN THE MORNING?! When we got to the parkade at church, it was CRAMMED full of cars - we looked at each other and wondered what the heck was going on! Turns out there was some Chinese function at church, haha. I said hi to Steven Wei (NOW YOU KNOW WHO I AM!), Chrystal, Daniel, and Golden: told Chrystal about yesterday's surprise, and (when I'd almost lost my balance, crashing into Billy) almost killing myself on the steps outside SERVANTS. Yes, it was a good thing that I had to use Randal to break my fall, haha! When it was less busy, I asked Chrystal if she'd finished those fun-size Mars bars I'd given her from my Halloween candy stash - she had, since she hadn't eaten them for a long time even though they're not her favorite. I told her about the New Jersey Milk bars that I'd gotten for people, which *I* haven't had for a long time! She wondered if I'd given them away yet - not yet, so she said to keep them! GOOD IDEA!

Said she was going to Pastor John's farewell lunch tomorrow, and she wasn't at church last weekend because she wasn't in the right state of mind - pissiness at family leading to being pissed off at everyone else?! I CAN RELATE! Then I noticed that my calculator's display was fading, and that redrum had started later than I thought - even MORE incentives for going out tonight when I got home! Turns out it was good shower timing this afternoon, then! Emily L. said that she had indeed deleted her Facebook account, since it took up too much time... yeah, I know what she means! Then she and Henry were talking about Ada / drunken karaoke / clubbing - if you throw up from drinking only one bottle of beer, your body IS unusually wired!

Ada said Sean was sick - he had a fever of 101, and was coughing even though he could do his normal activities. Poor little guy! Auntie Vivian said she was going to T&T to get something for a Fellowship potluck tonight, and wondered if we wanted anything from there. I joked that she could have my entire shopping list from yesterday morning BEFORE going to Superstore, hahaha! After saying bye to Harrison on his way out, I gave Henry his Christmas card and Mr. Big 4-pack (Nina and Emily M. wanted it!)... he thanked me, and asked what it was for. Oh, you'll find out! On the way home, Ian said that he'd liked the snow, and had played with Nathan! Then he asked his mom why people prepared for Christmas so early, so Ada said something about Advent, but she couldn't remember the English word! I guess the effort for more than a couple days is fine, but UGH all the same! When they dropped me off, Ada said that they'd be going to Hong Kong from Dec. 9-30, so they wouldn't be able to give me a ride home... I'm sure I can coordinate something with Henry should I remember!

When I was about to go out, I got a Facebook chat message from Bob S. - long time no talk, but I really wanted to leave earlier rather than later! Walked to the bank, but didn't want to walk all the way around the doors to the bank machines when I could just go in and access them from the mall. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that, but did encounter a girl in a similar predicament! After going to the bank, I deposited some money in another bank, then went to London Drugs to buy Fit-Overs / a sleeve to go with them / a new calculator / a HUGE on-sale storage box for the rest of my Christmas cards (better than plastic bags or trash bags if the mice just eat those!) / pads / a Kit-Kat 4-pack / a New Jersey Milk bar for Chrystal. THAT OFFICIALLY FINISHES MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Got home to find that Shelley S. (always_bryn) had emailed me her address... sweet!

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