Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Seeing Calla's bridal party in a dream / Smoothies

Had a weird dream where a bunch of my friends and I knew that a 7-11 was closing for good pretty soon. We patronized that one exclusively for the week or so left to it, even though we knew it wouldn't make the store magically stay open. On the last day, a truck still delivered hamburgers / hot dogs / other items to the store... so the store manager (in black) told us that we could have all these things for free. We were very grateful! When we'd finished loading up our own huge vehicles, we remembered that we were due at a cruise ship terminal to see Calla's wedding rehearsal. As soon as I got there, Eric remembered that I really didn't like uneven ground, so he held my hand tightly the whole time we were at the terminal. We got there just in time to see Calla and her bridal party (who'd been up since at least 5 AM) descend the escalator into the ballroom where the rehearsal was. My dream ended, and I don't really know why I had it. It's true that I put in an RSVP for Calla's wedding very recently, but I haven't been to a 7-11 in ages, or even required Eric's physical help in a while!

Before I went to bed, Teunis and I discussed a movie night at Kaili's, where he'll be this evening. Also discussed pesto, eggs, flavor, Alfredo sauce, a REALLY GOOD memory, tubs, asking questions, school, and more. Should be good times, maybe... I'll stay home today, because I think the dinner tomorrow will rectify my not having had Asian food in a while!

You Are Zany

You are energetic and very fascinating. You don't mean to be different - you just are one of a kind.

You are curious and creative about the world. You're often trying out interesting combinations of things.

You say "yes" to as many things as you can, and you feel sorry for those who turn down amazing opportunities.

You believe that you can never know what you'll love. If you take a risk, you might surprise yourself.

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