Monday, June 14, 2010


Interesting rack of the afternoon: PAIRMEET, against Maureen M. (read this as "pair meet")

High-scoring words of the afternoon:

APPARAT (220 points) - against Sabina A. [5W, 2W]
EROTICA (1120 points) - against Chad K. [5W, two 4W]
IVORY (208 points) - against Christine V. [two 4W]
RAPIDITY (130 points) - against Vicki H. [2W, 5L on P, 3L on Y]
VAMP (140 points) - against Michael G. [5W, 2W]
MACRONS (300 points) - against Demetra K. [4W, two 5W, hook off SORN for a plural]

This thing just restarted, so it's off to the library for me since I have to go out anyway to meet Eric at the usual place at 6:15 or so. I almost forgot my money and bus pass before I left, too! Also, I swear I'm hallucinating people and sounds (like key jangles) - HELP! I've heard about the vuvuzelas at the World Cup, too. Got an email from Pastor John, who has another urgent meeting to attend tonight, but says we can meet anyway. He says to discuss the Canada Day BBQ; he wants to make sure we actually greet the new neighbors, and not just hang around the church folk. Well, for people like me, I'm comfortable with the people I know... I'm not saying I don't care about what he says, but odds are that I'll continue my previous behavior. Nothing wrong with that - I like comfort!

Edit: I'm at the library now on STEIN, and I knew I forgot something else - my library card, which would have been VERY useful for picking up the FLASH FORWARD book that I have on hold here! At least I still have a few days to pick it up! I went to the dollar store to get a pair of tongs (don't know why they took me ten bloody years to acquire!), but only because I need them for cleaning the stove pans according to the directions I found online. I'm sure they'll be useful in the future... I'm also more thirsty than I thought, since I finished one of my water bottles already. Good thing I packed two of them on my way out!

Nathan's responded to the Bad Movie Night 3 email to say that he's met a cool London friend who he thinks would get along great with Isabel. She's going to be in Vancouver for about a week, and they can play together if Isabel joins everyone for the Jazz Festival. Hah, we'll see. Also just saw a guy with blue hair, heard people clustered around some guy holding a fairly loud conversation, heard a kid singing to himself while he was on the computer, and heard what sounded like a spitting competition a couple rows back. What the hell is wrong with people?!

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