Apparently, I'm a blueberry! / Granville Island pics
Parents picked me up at about 9:15 this morning, and we were on our way to church. The ride was uneventful, although my mom says she thinks that Grandma appreciates my coming to look after her next week, even if she won't say anything directly to me about it. Told her that I probably had plans on Wednesday night - gotta keep the schedule free to hang with Andrea when she gets back before she heads east to be with her future family! Apparently, my parents leave a day earlier than I thought they would, but that doesn't affect any plans I have. Mom talked at me about proper use of emergency lines / Auntie Ruby's professional expertise (like I would EVER knowingly abuse either of those services!), plus what to do in case anything did happen. Because of this, I was thinking about non-emergencies a bit TOO much during service, heh. Mom also said that Steph was back in town earlier from Angela's wedding than I thought she was, but I'll confirm with my sister later maybe.
Spotted Sanne with her two kids in the parkade when we got there - I said hi to them, and looked at Saskia's drawing of a house / sun / people. Crowded in next to Calla, Johnny, and Harmony - of course I had to sit by family! Even if Jon had been sitting in my spot, he was leading worship. I liked how they allowed Jonathan to rock out on the drums during the last song, haha! Saw Steph briefly; she left early because she was tired from working till 5 AM or so. Jon offered her some coffee, but she declined. I quickly completed my "return to Awana" form during the announcements and benediction, heh. Later, I talked to Phil and Nathan about computer stuff and other things after confirming tomorrow's dinner reservation with Harmony... 7 PM at Chen's it is! (I didn't talk to my mom about this either, haha)
Said hi to baby Gavin (who LOVES watermelon, and holding my finger!) and baby Mattias, who wanted to take my keys. I'll let him TOUCH them, but he can't take them home! The kids are all cute... I talked a bit to Saskia, Jenna, Noah, Benjamin, Hannah L., Joshua, and Keenan. Joshua let me look through his binoculars, heh. Discussed China fireworks, life, enjoyment of eating, naps, Coquitlam, the Grouse Grind, lunch, legs, stings, shooting people at paintball, parenting, and other stuff with Jeremy / Eric / Cindy / Shally / Harmony / Christon / Kevin / Calla / James / Sanne.
Had two pieces of watermelon (plus some blueberries) myself before going up to help with the toddlers. Auntie Fonda said that Asher was back in Hong Kong, and I knew this was the last Sunday I'd see Charissa and Caleb. Little Margaret complained of an itch on her leg - I looked at it, and determined that it wasn't too bad. Amanda said that I was a blueberry... I know I was wearing my blue Engrish shirt and a pair of pants which Eric described as "grape-ish," but come on! The kids had fun pretending that the Jenga blocks (previously "dominoes") were strawberry, chocolate, and cake... but we had to put a stop to their pretending that the blocks were pee and poo! When Auntie Fonda said that it was her turn to provide the snacks, I told her that she was too late! Hahaha! Buying an extra box or two of cookies / biscuits every few weeks is NOT going to break my budget of what is affordable and what isn't! ;)
Gave them one white chocolate chip cookie each (Auntie Fonda wouldn't take one since she has diabetes), mentally re-calibrated the tea biscuit distribution for the next few weeks, and ate a cookie myself before giving one to Amanda's sister Hannah S. When I went downstairs, I gave the other two (still inside the Ziploc bag) to Ada for her sons Ian and Sean, who said hi to me. Sean was taking one of Ian's gummy candies from HIS large Ziploc bag, haha. I looked for Auntie Rebecca, and finally found her talking to Uncle Edwin at the reception desk. Sure, I could have put my form in her box, but I thought it was better to give it to her in person instead of trying to figure out which box by the elevator is hers!
Drank some water from the cooler, then figured that maybe I should give my grandma some. So I took a fresh cup for that purpose; she thought that I'd drank from it already! No way, man! Then I entertained myself by talking to Gerard, Nina, and Emily. One of their friends had a box full of maple cookies, which SMELLED way too sweet! Discussed those cookies, having lots of sugar in general, sour candy, my family, summer camp, and more. Nina and Emily's questions were reminiscent of the ones I asked people when I was their age! (almost nine, and ten) "Do you have an older brother or sister? What are their names? Where are they? Does your dad go to church, too? How old is your mom?" (Nina, on my mother and her age: "She looks old, but she also looks young!") Told them that my dad was also an Uncle Alan (they were waiting for Alan to drive them home), and they said that there were a lot of Uncle Alans in the church. Well, there is Winnie and John's dad, plus Edwin and Karen's dad who just died, but they don't need to know THAT!
Went to lunch at Tsui Woo with Pastor Fulton, Auntie Teresa, Alan, Polly, and my family. Grandma seemed very surprised that Jon and Harmony weren't with us, but I told her that Jon had gone for lunch. There is NO WAY that I have the skills to translate "Grouse Grind / hiking" into Chinese for her! Learned that Polly is Conrad and Clementine's aunt - I remember them from years ago, plus their parents Kim (guy) and Sharon! Apparently, they're at Willingdon now. Also learned that Pastor Fulton is 71 and retired. I had my book for company, yay! Saw Darren briefly since he was there with his family too. When the bill came, Alan attempted to put some money in for it, but he was foiled by Grandma - of course, you're not going to fight an old lady for the bill!
On the way home, Grandma experienced some distress as she couldn't find her knitting bag... it had been given to Darren's family. Guess I'll have to really watch her belongings if she takes them out of the house! "White Kid" (Eric) and I will have to convince her to leave her knitting bag at home when we go "cham gah" (my rough translation of "congratulate," which might very well be wrong!) Jon at the grad banquet next Friday, haha. I'm sure if I invoke her grandson's name, she'll do it... well, hopefully. She'd better not forget that it's Sunday if Eric has to be at church early for sound duty or worship those two mornings! Yikes!
Richie tagged a couple of photos from the Granville Island scavenger hunt:
Let's see if we can all fit in the kids' entrance to the Kids' Market! (Grace, Vivian, me, Richie, Jeremy)

WORK IT! ("Performance WORKS") I have plenty of "working it!" experience because I am an NG, haha. [Vivian, Jeremy, Grace, me, Shally]

Spotted Sanne with her two kids in the parkade when we got there - I said hi to them, and looked at Saskia's drawing of a house / sun / people. Crowded in next to Calla, Johnny, and Harmony - of course I had to sit by family! Even if Jon had been sitting in my spot, he was leading worship. I liked how they allowed Jonathan to rock out on the drums during the last song, haha! Saw Steph briefly; she left early because she was tired from working till 5 AM or so. Jon offered her some coffee, but she declined. I quickly completed my "return to Awana" form during the announcements and benediction, heh. Later, I talked to Phil and Nathan about computer stuff and other things after confirming tomorrow's dinner reservation with Harmony... 7 PM at Chen's it is! (I didn't talk to my mom about this either, haha)
Said hi to baby Gavin (who LOVES watermelon, and holding my finger!) and baby Mattias, who wanted to take my keys. I'll let him TOUCH them, but he can't take them home! The kids are all cute... I talked a bit to Saskia, Jenna, Noah, Benjamin, Hannah L., Joshua, and Keenan. Joshua let me look through his binoculars, heh. Discussed China fireworks, life, enjoyment of eating, naps, Coquitlam, the Grouse Grind, lunch, legs, stings, shooting people at paintball, parenting, and other stuff with Jeremy / Eric / Cindy / Shally / Harmony / Christon / Kevin / Calla / James / Sanne.
Had two pieces of watermelon (plus some blueberries) myself before going up to help with the toddlers. Auntie Fonda said that Asher was back in Hong Kong, and I knew this was the last Sunday I'd see Charissa and Caleb. Little Margaret complained of an itch on her leg - I looked at it, and determined that it wasn't too bad. Amanda said that I was a blueberry... I know I was wearing my blue Engrish shirt and a pair of pants which Eric described as "grape-ish," but come on! The kids had fun pretending that the Jenga blocks (previously "dominoes") were strawberry, chocolate, and cake... but we had to put a stop to their pretending that the blocks were pee and poo! When Auntie Fonda said that it was her turn to provide the snacks, I told her that she was too late! Hahaha! Buying an extra box or two of cookies / biscuits every few weeks is NOT going to break my budget of what is affordable and what isn't! ;)
Gave them one white chocolate chip cookie each (Auntie Fonda wouldn't take one since she has diabetes), mentally re-calibrated the tea biscuit distribution for the next few weeks, and ate a cookie myself before giving one to Amanda's sister Hannah S. When I went downstairs, I gave the other two (still inside the Ziploc bag) to Ada for her sons Ian and Sean, who said hi to me. Sean was taking one of Ian's gummy candies from HIS large Ziploc bag, haha. I looked for Auntie Rebecca, and finally found her talking to Uncle Edwin at the reception desk. Sure, I could have put my form in her box, but I thought it was better to give it to her in person instead of trying to figure out which box by the elevator is hers!
Drank some water from the cooler, then figured that maybe I should give my grandma some. So I took a fresh cup for that purpose; she thought that I'd drank from it already! No way, man! Then I entertained myself by talking to Gerard, Nina, and Emily. One of their friends had a box full of maple cookies, which SMELLED way too sweet! Discussed those cookies, having lots of sugar in general, sour candy, my family, summer camp, and more. Nina and Emily's questions were reminiscent of the ones I asked people when I was their age! (almost nine, and ten) "Do you have an older brother or sister? What are their names? Where are they? Does your dad go to church, too? How old is your mom?" (Nina, on my mother and her age: "She looks old, but she also looks young!") Told them that my dad was also an Uncle Alan (they were waiting for Alan to drive them home), and they said that there were a lot of Uncle Alans in the church. Well, there is Winnie and John's dad, plus Edwin and Karen's dad who just died, but they don't need to know THAT!
Went to lunch at Tsui Woo with Pastor Fulton, Auntie Teresa, Alan, Polly, and my family. Grandma seemed very surprised that Jon and Harmony weren't with us, but I told her that Jon had gone for lunch. There is NO WAY that I have the skills to translate "Grouse Grind / hiking" into Chinese for her! Learned that Polly is Conrad and Clementine's aunt - I remember them from years ago, plus their parents Kim (guy) and Sharon! Apparently, they're at Willingdon now. Also learned that Pastor Fulton is 71 and retired. I had my book for company, yay! Saw Darren briefly since he was there with his family too. When the bill came, Alan attempted to put some money in for it, but he was foiled by Grandma - of course, you're not going to fight an old lady for the bill!
On the way home, Grandma experienced some distress as she couldn't find her knitting bag... it had been given to Darren's family. Guess I'll have to really watch her belongings if she takes them out of the house! "White Kid" (Eric) and I will have to convince her to leave her knitting bag at home when we go "cham gah" (my rough translation of "congratulate," which might very well be wrong!) Jon at the grad banquet next Friday, haha. I'm sure if I invoke her grandson's name, she'll do it... well, hopefully. She'd better not forget that it's Sunday if Eric has to be at church early for sound duty or worship those two mornings! Yikes!
Richie tagged a couple of photos from the Granville Island scavenger hunt:
Let's see if we can all fit in the kids' entrance to the Kids' Market! (Grace, Vivian, me, Richie, Jeremy)

WORK IT! ("Performance WORKS") I have plenty of "working it!" experience because I am an NG, haha. [Vivian, Jeremy, Grace, me, Shally]

Labels: amanda, church, coffee, emily, eric m., fellowship, friends, grace, harmony, ian, james, jeremy, jon, lee, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, nina, photos, sean l., steph
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