Thursday, May 21, 2009

XKCD comics, diaper fetishism, and more!

Christon sent us an email stating that there will be a Sunday Dinner at Jeremy's this Sunday - salad and risotto both sound good! Of course, I have the bridal shower at Harmony's, but perhaps Eric can pick me up from there or home - we'll see how long it lasts! Maybe Raymond will be able to make it to this one, although I have the feeling he's avoiding me, too... =/

Leslie's just got their Spanish Name. I just got my Spanish Name. It's Evita Castro.

Leslie just took the What Do Your Lottery Numbers Mean Quiz. My lottery numbers mean I pick my nose.

Facebook quizzes taken from Gabriel, David L., Candy, Natalie, Chantelle, Morgana, and Jono:

Leslie completed the quiz "What sort of Gangster are you?" with the result Quiet Gangster. You are a humble gangster, but humble enough to protect yourself. You avoid most troubles or problems (fights), but if you're in a fight that you can't avoid, you will fight to the end.

Leslie completed the quiz "Are you a Mac or are you a PC?" with the result Mac! You are a Mac person. You like instant functionality and beauty combined. You love the smoothness in a Mac. You would rather pay a little more now than run to the store every month. It means you think for the long term! So take a bite at the nearest apple!

Leslie took the How many times will you get married?? quiz and the result is Once. You are a very loyal person who knows what and who they want!

Leslie completed the quiz "What NCIS character are you?" with the result Special Agent Jethro Gibbs. Wow, impressive. You're the team leader, head honcho, numero uno. You have the qualities needed to take control in situations that can only be resolved with guts, integrity, and intelligence. Get yourself a large coffee and practice your head slaps.

Leslie completed the quiz "Which internet meme are you?" with the result Badger Badger Badger. You are the Badger Badger Badger meme. This meme is a flash animation that had its own website. When you entered the website, a bunch of Flash-animated badgers would appear and begin dancing to a theme song that went something along the lines of "Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, MUSHROOM MUSHROOM."This song and video clip would play on a continuous loop. You are this meme because you are annoying. funny, and pretty darn repetitive. Part of your allure is the ability to make completely random jokes, which become long-lasting inside jokes amongst your friends. People will laugh at these without knowing why they're funny.

Leslie took the Which XKCD comic are you? quiz and the result is XKCD #87: Velociraptors. You are obsessed with Velociraptors, and know that an attack is imminent. Most of your brainpower is constantly being used to prepare for Raptor attacks, so you miss out on most of the things life has to offer. But that's okay because you wouldn't waste your time with people who leave you vulnerable to raptor attack. And once the attack does come and you survive... PARTY!!

Leslie took the What Princess Bride character are you? quiz and the result is Inigo Montoya. You are very focused and very goal-oriented. But you tend to hold grudges.

Leslie just took the "What is your lucky number?" quiz and the result is 9. Your lucky number is 9! The number 9 is a special number and is lucky for many people. Nine is going to be lucky for you in the coming days, so watch out for any coincidences! Good Luck!

Poo nugget for Thursday, May 21: Diaper Fetishism - Some adults derive sexual stimulation from wearing diapers, either in public or in private places. While most simply wear the diapers, there are others who go as far as to relieve themselves. Freudian analysis suggests that these individuals are fixated on the anal stage of development, a consequence some would argue occurs as a result of forceful potty training during childhood.

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