Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Toilet injuries and spouse nutrition

Bingo of the night so far:

FARRAGOES (79 points) - against Jennifer C.

High-scoring words of the night so far:

SPAIL (132 points) - against Jennifer C. [4W, 3W, hook off REMORA for a plural]
AVA (112 points; two 4W), FOOTED (360 points; 3W, 5W, 2W) - against Melissa R.
SPOUSING (114 points) - against Melissa R. [4W] {different game}
NUTRIA (420 points) - against Tricia C. [3W, 4W, 5W]

Talked to Corey and Billie tonight: crazy life, connections with people, Sleepytime tea, RESIDENT EVIL, SILENT HILL, and more. Always interesting, for sure!

Poo nugget for Tuesday, Apr. 14: Poo BooBoos - Believe it or not, there are many ways to injure yourself while going to the bathroom. In young boys, one of the most common causes of genital injury occurs when the toilet seat falls down during the act of urinating. Smaller children also run the risk of drowning if they fall headfirst into the toilet. Toilet injuries to adults include bruised buttocks and tailbones, and dislocated hips caused by accidentally sitting on the toilet bowl rim when the toilet seat is up. Older high-flush cast iron cisterns have been known to detach from the wall when flushed (by pulling a chain), causing injuries to the user. Poo with caution!

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