Saturday, April 11, 2009

Annoyances, sleepovers, and engineers

This thing JUST restarted when I was in the middle of editing - UGH!

Annette G. added me on Facebook, so that's cool. Hien changed her name, haha. Brother called to say that if I wanted a ride to Sunrise Service, I'd have to sleep over. Fair enough, but his phone initially made all kinds of weird fax machine / video game / screeching noises at me! Bantered about the key and other things, too - I guess I'll go over later.

Leslie just took the How Daring Are You Quiz and is Not Very Daring. I am Not Very Daring. When it comes to being daring, you are the one at the back of the line, and least likely to do anything. Don't feel too bad, though. You may actually live longer.

Facebook quizzes taken from Flora and Chantelle:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which House M.D. character are you?" with the result You are Wilson. Caring, understanding and trustworthy... so long as there's something in it for you. You tend to take pleasure in the drama of other people, which you feel strongly is being involved in their lives. This complicates things, which is why you're divorced now. You're attracted to the self-confident and weak-willed at the same time. Better look into getting a puppy or goldfish, as relationships aren't exactly your forte.

Leslie took the What Type of Engineer Are You? quiz and the result is ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. Most boring career ever, but you get paid well. So no argument there, but still not as good as the mechanical engineers.

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