Monday, April 13, 2009

Beatles, nationality, Tim Burton characters, math equations, and more

I am NOT a teenager anymore, since I just woke up at 12:45 PM after crashing for two hours when I got home, catching up on most forum-related stuff till 3 AM, then sleeping. Guess I should not test my body's limits, heh. This means that I did NOT in fact make it to Teunis' birthday thing: at least I called him instead, har har. Speaking of birthdays, Vanessa sent us an Evite for Danielle's 30th. Yikes. Raymond is finally active on Facebook - yay!

Facebook quizzes taken from Jessica G. / Steve L. / Silvester / Kelly / Kaitlin / Chantelle / Billie / Morgana / Valdimar / Diane:

Leslie took the Which Singaporean Elite School Do You Belong To? quiz and the result is Hwa Chong Institution. You are the quiet worker. In fact, you work a lot. You are very goal-oriented, and you constantly wonder why your school uniform could not be more hip. You do not think that your school is necessarily better than others, but you believe that the school is the best for you. You tend to think so out of the box that you sometimes lose the plot, along with the box. In your quiet moments, you think: "I should be so lucky."

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Beatles song Are You?" with the result I am the Walrus. You are the true iconoclast. You possess the perfect union of intuition and knowledge. You are independent and very involved in your thoughts. Avoid the tendency to have envy and contempt of others.

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Tim Burton Character Are You?" with the result Edward Scissorhands. You are very talented and artistic. Your character is very sensitive, even though people may think otherwise by your appearance. You begin to warm up to people after getting to know them for a while, and often seem to be meeting new people in the neighborhood. Congratulations! You are Edward Scissorhands!

Leslie completed the quiz "THE INNER NATIONALITY QUIZ: WHAT ARE YOU REALLY?" with the result You are American. You are highly competitive and highly independent, although you also have an easygoing and spontaneous nature. In order to hide and mitigate just how badly you want to win, you have developed a thick veneer of friendliness -- in order to lull your opponents into a false sense of security, yes... but also in order to actually tame your own natural blood lust, and most of the time it even works. Because you are so mobile and ever-changing, your friendships are always in flux, and the people who are your oldest friends may or may not accompany you all the way through life. Probably not.

Leslie took the what's your fave music??? quiz and the result is Rock. You like upbeat guitar riffs, and nice drum solos now and again. You're a happy person, and you get on with life knowing rock and roll is on your side!!!

Leslie just took the How Will I Die Quiz. I am going to die when I am 84. I will die in a freak accident involving Ryan Seacrest. (HAHAHAHAHA!)

Leslie completed the quiz "Which stereotypical Californian are you?" with the result Old Californian. Let's face it. You're old. You don't understand young people. You don't even know why you took this quiz really. Seriously, how are you even on Facebook anyway? Hey, at least you live in California. You probably like the weather and are a bit cooler than most old people. You probably remember when California was less developed and the houses were further apart from each other. You probably stopped reading this after the second sentence because you refuse to think you're old! Hey, you're still a Californian after all. You're definitely one of the coolest old people in the country (if not the planet) so don't feel bad!

Leslie completed the quiz "In your circle of friends, who are you?" with the result The Under-Appreciated Best Friend. You try to keep everyone happy, and sometimes at your expense. You foot the bill when you're all out to celebrate, just so everyone can have a good time and not worry about money. You'd do anything for your friends, even though they forget to thank you or don't show you the appreciation you deserve. Although it's nice that you're being everyone's rainbow, think about yourself, too. No one will think you're a bad friend if you say no to some of their requests.

Leslie's Monster Name is Leslie the Screaming Hook Nosed Kiddy bathroom attendant.

Leslie took the What type of shoe defines you? quiz and the result is You are defined by Chuck Taylors. You are comfortable in your own skin and don't need to flaunt it. That quality is why your friends are drawn to you for advice and an ear.

Leslie completed the quiz "How long would you survive in the scariest horror movie?" with the result 100% of the movie. (:D)=. You were a true leader! You made all of the plans. And as your friends died off, that made all the more reason for you to toughen up, and fight to survive. Sadly, you were the only one left. Your spouse / boyfriend / girlfriend died in your arms after an unsuccessful battle, and after that, you lived a new life... AWAY from the forest... where.... more.... monsters... might live.....

Leslie completed the quiz Which James Bond are you? with the result Sean Connery.
You are Sean Connery. You are suave, smooth, and debonair, but when things break bad, you can mix it up with the best of them. You are a sensualist, enjoying fine drinks, cigarettes, and women. You have great taste in cars and clothes. You sound progressively more Scottish as you get older.

Leslie took the Which math equation are you? quiz and the result is Gaussian Distribution. f(x) = 1/(SQRT(2π)*σ)*e^(-(x-μ)^2/(2σ^2)) You are very normal. You are always positive, and although you have a mean, you usually aren't.

Leslie just took the "What Is Your Type Of Guy?" quiz and the result is A CLASSIC NERD! A nerd in a tux is the guy for you. It's okay, don't feel bad! Even though he's not good-looking, he could be a really good party mate!

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