Friday, April 10, 2009

Dream of Tupperware, wings, and Steven Tyler yelling TALLAHASSEE!

High-scoring words of the day so far:

ACED (304 points) - against Amy R. [4W, 5W, hook off GAR to make AGAR]
FICHUS (316 points; 3W, 4W, hook off ENQUIRE for a plural), FLOE (105 points; 4W, 3W) - against Jennifer B.

I had a weird dream in which all I can remember is pushing around someone in a wheelchair - we were in this confusing maze of passages. Eventually, Jon came to lead us out, then made us click on a "Tupperware" link. That whisked us to a picnic lunch (with Dad / Mom / Tony / Sonny), where we ate many honey-glazed garlic chicken wings. All the bones were deposited in a blue bowl, and Jon told me that Dad had some plans for us later. I professed not to really care right to Dad's face, so Jon and I left to hear Steven Tyler screaming at us about South Tallahassee. Not sure where THAT came from!

Not impressed with the computer, since it took more than half an hour to reload Firefox. Then I got the brilliant idea of restarting it, and THEN it took the normal amount of time (WAY less than half an hour) to load everything... phew! Must borrow the Dean Koontz book One Door Away From Heaven - apparently, it reminded someone of the Collyer Brothers. Sweet! Talked to Z for a while, too - yay!

Wordscraper creep update: He actually thought that what he said ("weed is a booster after your score" and something else to do with naked time and sexy acts) would be acceptable to me! I am STILL not giving him the satisfaction of deleting the games. Then he tried saying "oops!" Bleh... I just want these games OVER with!

Edit about a half hour later: I reported him using the "report abuser" link; both games were (I assume) investigated, and I won them!

Facebook quizzes taken from Morgana, Ellen, Silvester, and Nathan:

Leslie took the Which Hindu goddess are you? quiz and the result is Saraswati. You're Saraswati. You're the goddess of wisdom, knowledge, music, and arts. Saraswati is the wife of Brahma, the god of creation. She's usually dressed in white because she represents purity, and her modest appearance means that she doesn't care much for material things, as she's into spiritual Truth. You're an intellectual person who enjoys reading and contemplating. You often find yourself in meditation, and abstract concept don't scare you. You love being surrounded by a few chosen friends, and you might choose your lover for his heart and soul rather than his looks. You're a creative person, and love relaxing and setting your imagination free. Vahana (animal vehicle): swan

Leslie took the Which Tarantino Character Are You? quiz and the result is you are Jackie Brown. Which Tarantino Character Are You?: Cunning, ruthless, and indomitable, you are a middle-aged flight attendant for a small Mexican airline who smuggles gun money into the United States. You believe in looking after number one, and will deceive and betray those you work for to achieve your ends.

Leslie took the Which punctuation mark are you? quiz and the result is Dash. You are a dash. Casual and freewheeling, you would rather be wearing flip-flops and jeans. You are playful and full of surprises, but no one should make the mistake of underestimating you -- you just might be the smartest person in the room.

Leslie took the Which Psychotherapist Are You? quiz and the result is Marsha Linehan (Dialectical Behavior Therapy). You're an innovator whose "thinking outside the box" in relation to behavior yields productive results. No problem is too big for you. You're more than the "all my friends tell me their problems" type; you're quite the loyal friend who invests in her relationships, despite the depths and severity of problems experienced by your friends. You definitely make a positive impact on the lives of others, and you're relentless in your efforts toward the public good.

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