Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rednecks and seasons / A pooping doll by Hasbro!

Great. This thing just restarted!

Leslie just took the Which Season Are You Quiz and is Spring. I am Spring. Fresh blossoms on trees and crisp dew-covered grass is what you enjoy. (The spelling on #7 was NOT GOOD! "Desert" and "dessert" should NOT be easily confused... ugh!)

Facebook quizzes taken from Candy, Kaitlin, Kelly, Gabriel, Darren, Gretchen, and Becky:

Leslie completed the quiz "Are YOU a Southern Belle or a Redneck Princess?" with the result Yankee Woman. You know what they say! If a cat has kittens in the oven, it doesn't make them biscuits! Your parents are most likely Yankee-born trying to make it in the South. Honey, that's all peachy, but it doesn't make you a Southerner! Southern women are from long generations of other Southerners, and we'll love you like you're the best thing since sweet tea, but it doesn't mean we understand you! (HAHAHAHA!)

Leslie took the How will you die? quiz and the result is Spontaneously Combust. You never really worry about dying. The world is your oyster, and you like to live life on the edge. Except - one day, you will blow up for no reason.

Leslie just took the How dirty is your mind? quiz and got the result: you are cheeky monkey. You are cheeky monkey: You are not fussed, but you are aware of sex in the media. Sexuality does not bother you, and you don't think about it too much. To you, it is no big deal, but you do enjoy a rude joke here or there.

Leslie just took the What's your mental disorder quiz and got the result: Anxiety. Anxiety: You can't control your thoughts, your heart races, and you being to sweat. Only the feeling of something going to happen and not knowing what will happen can make you uncontrollable. All you need are some pills....

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Retarded Cartoon Character are You?" with the result Barney. You are Barney, the Retarded Purple Dinosaur who drives you nuts by singing his songs! AHHHHHH!!!!! "I love you, you love me, we are a happy family......... (and so on)"

Leslie completed the quiz "Which of the X-men are you?" with the result Jean Grey. Well look who's Little Miss Goody Goody Two-Shoes. You are the girl next door. The one that your elders can trust, and boys dream of making their wife. You are the girl who always dobs on the fun kids, and goes sooking to mummy whenever things don't go your way. People pretend to like you, but find you irritating in general. Oh, and your man wants Psylocke.

Leslie just took the "How Shitty Is Your Life?" quiz and the result is 60% Shitty! Hanging somewhere in the middle of being splendid or shitty, you have the option of swinging the pendulum better than anybody else! The issues you face can clearly be solved, so get cracking! Even a partly-shitty life sucks!

Leslie just took the "are you insane?" quiz and the result is you are insane!!! but in a good way!! You must be a really funny and crazy person. It's a good thing there are people like you here. Keep making people smile!! (HA! That's what I keep telling certain people! :P)

Leslie just took the "what kind of ninja are you" quiz and the result is Fire ninja. You have great leadership, and you are an expert at mixing hand-to-hand combat with your element bending. Your spirit guardian is the phoenix.

Leslie just took the "What Martial Art are you?" quiz and the result is Ninjutsu. You like to sneak up on your opponent and take them out without them even knowing you're there. Hide in the shadows and strike when they least expect it. You play it smart and stay where your opponent can't hurt you and take them out.

Leslie just took the "Are you a good lover?" quiz and the result is Veeeeeeeery good lover!! You are really a good lover! You know how to enjoy, and how to make your partner happy! You never let her / him down, and you care about your relationship. Congratulations! (The spelling on THIS one was absolutely ATROCIOUS!)

Leslie just took the "What legendary creature are you?" quiz and the result is Werewolf. You are a frightening figure of uncontrollable rage and lust for blood. Even you can sometimes fear yourself: it's a tormented existence. Part of you wants to die, and the rest wants to hunt.

Leslie just took the "What nickname best suits you?" quiz and the result is Steady Water. That nickname is assigned to you because you're neutral. You have no bad or really bad sides. Keep going... luck is coming your way!

Leslie just took the "what do your eyes do to people" quiz and the result is trippy. Totally awesome eyes! If you got this result, you lucked out! You have the eyes that would get people just staring at you all day.

Leslie just took the "What vampire eye color do you have?" quiz and the result is Golden eyes. You are a compassionate creature: you care, and are controlled. It is easier for you to live with people and other vampires. You are practically perfect in every way, and people are very attracted to you, so be careful. You should still live out you long and glorious life how you want it, though! :)

Leslie just took the "would you survive a Zombie apocalypse" quiz and the result is ZOMBIE DESTROYER!! There's no way you gonna die in a zombie apocalypse. You will kill tons of zombies, and you will be at least 90% sure that you will survive no matter what!!

Leslie just took the "What Bollywood Song Are You??" quiz and the result is Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Sweet, lovable, and corny. You can't resist a true romantic!

Poo nugget for Tuesday, Apr. 28: Too Alive - Hasbro, Inc. has brought back the Baby Alive doll, which does EVERYTHING (and we mean everything) that a real baby does. Not only does this doll eat, speak, and make facial expressions, but she also poops. The doll was first introduced in 1973, and has recently been re-released due to popular demand. Retail price: $49.99.

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