Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boxing and pharmacies

Bingo of the day:

DEFLATING (75 points) - against Terry S.

High-scoring words of the day:

BOXING (475 points; two 5W), DEFOAM (140 points; 5W, 2W) - against Linda B.
EXPANDS (320 points) - against Mai N. [two 4W]
HOURI (233 points) - against Alice P. [two 5W, hook off PORN to make PORNO]
PURIFIED (130 points) - against Jennifer H. [5W]
ROVER (288 points; 2W, two 4W), AX (104 points; 5L on X used twice, hook off ISLE to make AX) - against Jan S.
ROSEMARY (860 points) - against CJ N. [5W, two 3W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}

Unexpectedly home again - no Awana for me! This thing just restarted, too!

Leslie's just got their Gambling Name. I just got my Gambling Name. It's Leslie 'Bet The Pot' Ng.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kelly, Gretchen, and Billie:

Leslie completed the quiz "What is your Pharmacy IQ?" with the result Pharmacy PhD! You are a pharmacy master! You know your drugs and dosages, and are well suited for a career in medicine or at least well prepared to be Dr. Mom or Dr. Dad at home! A true resource for medicinal knowledge within your circle of friends and family! (Har har. I still don't think you should trust me with that kind of stuff...)

Leslie completed the quiz "What type of lawyer should you be?" with the result Criminal Defense Attorney. You're a pretty cool guy / gal, and you know how to have a good time. You don't sweat the small stuff. You've been pretty popular your whole life, 'cause you're a social person who is nice to everyone. You've got an addictive personality, so you have to be careful not to partake in too much of a good thing, or you'll find yourself locked up along with your clients. You either drive a fast car, or you appreciate extreme sports, or you are very physically athletic. You are probably a Libertarian or a Democrat, but if you're a Republican, you're still very socially liberal. You think that the government should stay out of our private lives. You consider yourself to be a patriot, because you're the biggest champion of the American system of justice. You want to be a judge someday so you can wear the robe, but if you become a judge, you'll probably go commando underneath.

Leslie completed the quiz "What flower are you?" with the result Rose. You are beautiful and delicate. People love you and your natural beauty. You are popular and make a good impression on everyone that surrounds you.

Leslie took the Are you really a Supernatural buff?? quiz and the result is Supernatural-not-so-know-it-all. Meh... you watch a couple of episodes here and there, but aren't obsessed. You may only like the show because of the characters (Ahem... Sam and Dean are gorgeous...!), or because your friends watch it. (I've actually never watched this show - of my friends, only Mandy D. watches it, as far as I know!)

Leslie took the quiz What kind of writer are you? and the result is William Blake: One of the most creative minds there has ever been.

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