Thursday, April 09, 2009

Colorado DMV and vegan messages

High-scoring words of the night so far:

VOTEABLE (248 points) - against Jerenda H. [2W, 3W, 5L on B]
VIVA (128 points) - against Margaret Y. [4W, 5L on V]
SOX (112 points) - against Anne W. [5W used twice, hook off AQUA to make AQUAS]
LAXITY (100 points) - against Shelley R.-B. [5W]

Seems like the Colorado DMV won't allow a personalized plate that says ILVTOFU. Gee, I wonder why...

Leslie just took the "Which Final Fantasy VII character are you?" quiz and the result is You are Cloud! Although you don't admit it, you are quite withdrawn and introspective. There is a lot you don't understand about yourself, and that sometimes causes you to be irritable and snap at your friends. You are tender and socially awkward. You can be moody and cold, but also surprise with your warmth. Generally, you are still a person with a good heart. During your life, you have overcome many personal challenges. You blame yourself for some of the things that are not your fault.

Facebook quizzes taken from Billie, Noel, Kaitlin, Jemima, and Bexy:

Leslie just took the "what Final Fantasy character are you?" quiz and the result is Yuffie. You are agile, mischievous, and greedy when it comes to material. [weapon: shuriken]

Leslie just took the "Which X-Men are you?" quiz and the result is Logan / Wolverine. Logan can regenerate spontaneously, a talent which allowed the painful implantation of a metal coating on his bones, and metal claws that emerge from each hand.

Leslie took the Are you really Portuguese? quiz and the result is You are da terra! You are very Portuguese. You likely keep up with Portuguese politics and you visit often. Portugal feels like home. (... not really...)

Leslie just took the "What Justice League Character are you?" quiz and the result is You are Batman. You are dark and brooding, and motivated by a sense of revenge that expresses itself as a quest for justice. With no powers to back it up, you use a wide array of gadgets to extract that revenge. Luckily, that revenge is tempered by a strong moral code. Lucky for your enemies, anyway.

Leslie completed the quiz "What Disney Princess are you?" with the result Belle. You are laid-back and imaginative. You like people for who they are, not what they are.

Leslie completed the quiz "Which psychiatric medication are you?" with the result Zoloft. You are Zoloft, the antidepressant that's also good for anxiety as well. You have a positivity about you that lifts others and makes you a fun person to be around. All smiley-faces and rainbows for you!

Poo nugget for Thursday, Apr. 9: Scybala - Scybala are hardened lumps of stool, sometimes felt by a physician when examining the abdomen of a patient with severe constipation. According to the Urban Dictionary, scybala is also used to refer to a successful person who has an abrasive personality.

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