Monday, March 02, 2009

Jack Bauer is on for TWO HOURS: Holding people hostage!

TWO HOURS OF JACK BAUER! Juma declared victory on a pre-recorded tape even as his own troops were fleeing the capital. An unidentified orderly administered Dubaku a lethal dose of something, and that necessitated a Code Blue - there was a phone call which distracted the nurse taking care of him. (Renee was on that, and informed Larry) Jack wanted Chloe to delete Ryan's name from some list to prevent him from consulting lawyers... the target was indeed the White House: HIGH VALUE AND HIGH TARGETS! Ryan Burnett met Ethan Kanin (the Presidential aide), and of course he's very much a bad guy! Jack interrogated Bill about Ryan Burnett at gunpoint; why am I not surprised? Then he strangled Bill, telling him not to fight it - WHAT THE?! Janis REALLY was insistent on getting Chloe to stream things to her own workstation - Chloe wasn't having any of that at all. Later, Larry heard Janis' recording of what Chloe told Jack about someone figuring out that she'd deleted names from the database, so he wanted Chloe detained. YIKES!

Senator Mayer met with the President, with Ryan Burnett in attendance - oh my. "Just excuse him as a witness: it's a message of thanks!" "Under certain circumstances, his actions are not acceptable since prisoners have DIED under his courtesy! If you pardon him, you're sending the wrong message to every interrogator!" Jack interrogated Ryan Burnett off the books! "I love my country!" *Jack Tasers him, then threatens him with neuromuscular damage when he raises the Taser's voltage* Says there's another attack, then Jack Tasered the phone when the President ordered him to stand down. Then people came through the door, and someone said that he had no call to interrogate anyone - "my conscience is clearer than yours - even if an attack is imminent!" The President then placed Jack Bauer under arrest, saying he should have presented his case to him earlier: "We didn't have time, ma'am." She also told Ryan Burnett that he would be charged with treason, and he said that he wouldn't tell her anything in this lifetime!

Renee said that she was in a warehouse basement with everyone being armed: Larry said he'd send backup. Janis wanted him to be apprised of something, but he had no time for that. "It sounds crazy, but I just saw Juma HERE!" "We're ten minutes away!" Of course, there's an entire guerrilla team in the White House - and nobody can get Renee on her cellphone, and Janis can't triangulate her location either! (because her phone got wet when she stowed away on the ship) Bill called Tony, who gave a deadpan response when asked whether Dubaku was dead. (Juma, to Dubaku's son earlier: "Your father won't be joining us after all.") The President's daughter Olivia unrolled maps of the place, and knew that there was an attack going on even as Renee was swimming in the water! (of course Aaron had to get her out of the building!) Renee saw the plans and she found what the target was. However, Dubaku's son sees her and immediately goes after her. She jumps in the river and he takes off in hot pursuit.

Someone was about to call the FBI to tell them information of the target once Renee got out of the water, but there was a sniper in the bushes. Bill saw Jack, and Jack wanted him to get the information out of Ryan Burnett, who was talking - Bill said he couldn't do it, however. Juma then killed someone by strangling him, then continued work on breaking into the White House. They saw a bunch of laser surveillance beams, but a guy on the inside can cut them for everyone else. Renee told Dubaku's son that his father is dead - the son is not impressed, and is about to kill her until Larry finally intervenes. Bill took the President's tracker off her (taking it away to create a diversion for everyone else), and then they were on their way to lockdown. The guerrillas took Bill as a hostage, of course. Juma cut off Jack and Bill's communications, taking almost everyone else in the White House hostage into a locked-down room.

Renee was upset that Jack was under arrest, but Larry had to tell her that the President was the priority, NOT Jack. Jack goes into McGyver mode and tampered with the security box with some wire from a nearby lamp. He deactivates it and General Juma is out of luck. Of course, he realizes this... Juma called some guy and threatened to render some shipment useless. The guy said that Olivia Taylor was in there, too - Juma found her after shooting Aaron (and she was captured before completing her signal), and threatened the President with her death, yikes!

The Vice-President hesitated to authorize the rescue operation, since it might not be politically tenable. President Taylor folded easily once Juma threatened to gut her daughter Olivia in front of her! Jack took his place next to Senator Mayer in the hostage circle, and the Senator gave him some flak for letting the President out of the room. Then Juma slapped her and said that she'd make the last statement she'd ever give. I think next week's episode is gonna be CRAZY.... I gotta watch HOUSE next week - a patient who says EVERYTHING he's thinking?! Wow!

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