Sunday, February 15, 2009

I've gained twenty minutes!

Bingo of the night so far:

EPILATION (73 points) - against Itamar R.

High-scoring words of the night so far:

SEVERED (300 points) - against Kaye W. [two 5W]
MINNOW (156 points) - against Allen K. [4W, 3W]
OXIME (104 points) - against Itamar R. [3W, 4W]
PAWING (280 points) - against Stu L. [5W, 4W]
AX (104 points) - against Marlene C. [5L on X, used twice over]

Got a ride from Eric for tomorrow morning, which is fine - at least my parents gave me warning about being at church early. I have just gained twenty minutes, and it makes a big difference - being ready at 8:50 vs. at least 9:10? Dude, that's valuable breakfast time! Mom says Dad didn't do anything romantic for her today, so I told her that he should, haha. This thing just restarted AGAIN! WHAT THE HECK?! It's been some time since it restarted TWICE in a day!

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