Friday, February 13, 2009

Stinky poo!

IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!! AAAAAAA!!!!!! (not)

High-scoring words of the night so far:

OXO (227 points) - against Peter L. [two 4W, hook off MEW to make MO, EX, and WO]
FILCHES (216 points) - against Crystal T.-F. [3W, 4W]
DITTANY (145 points) - against Beth B. [5W, 4L on Y]
DIMLY (560 points) - against Jane M. [two 5W]
WOODS (545 points) - against Max P. [two 5W, 2W, hook off EARBUD for a plural] {a good deficit-erasing word}
OBEYS (108 points) - against Mo D. [two 3W]
AWE (142 points) - against John H. [4W, 5W, hook off RUBATO to make RE]

Interesting racks of the night so far: WAITGRIT (against Joseph A.), LOTSDEAR (against George M.)

Poo nugget for Friday, Feb. 13: Dr. Stool Says - Stinky Poo - The compounds that lend poo (and farts) their odors are produced by the bacteria residing in our colon. These bacteria react with our ingested food to form smelly, sulfur-containing Zcompounds [not a typo], such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. Occasionally, foul-smelling stools can be a sign of disease. Difficulties digesting and absorbing food, as occur in cystic fibrosis or chronic pancreatitis, can result in floating, greasy, and foul-smelling stool. Intestinal infections, particularly with the parasite Giardia lamblia, can also cause diarrhea with an especially abhorrent odor. Ingestion of even a small amount of contaminated water can be followed by several days of rancid diarrhea.

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