What's the winery position? / He's TOO NEW!
Bingo of the night so far:
POSITION (124 points) - against Anna J.
High-scoring words of the night so far:
MITTS (250 points) - against Sara K. [two 5W]
WINERY (120 points; 2W, 4W), POSITION (124 points; bingo, 4W, hook on ROSY to make OR and NO) - against Anna J.
BAYWOOD (180 points) - against Janet S. [5W, 2W]
DWARF (112 points) - against Evelyn D. [4W, 2W]
DAMP (116 points) - against Lea P. [4W, 3L on P, hook off VANE to make VANED] {this was a good word since it made up for the deficit I was running against her!}
Eric picked me up a little later than scheduled, but that was okay. I do appreciate not having to take the bus because of the snow, even if it is double the distance for him! As it is, the parking lot is still very slippery - I had to hold on to the car while he helped me IN the Parisienne. Told him not to park in the middle of the damn lot next time - I'll have to tell Henry and Ada that too on Saturday! Unfortunately, I brought up butt emissions (he said mine caused the outside fog! :P), and he had to activate the fart lever! Oh well, 'tis an old joke, haha! There was no time for him to eat dinner, so he had chicken-vegetable pizza at home. Talked about money, a supposed plot I have to murder Jeremy by peanut butter since he has an allergy to the stuff (NEVER!), who REALLY deserved to be murdered, my supposedly being a murderer and the worst kind of evil, PINKY AND THE BRAIN, not believing people, mini-rants, being too tired / too awake, sleeping in till 2 PM pre-Regina, and other things as well. Listened to a bit of Mats Sundin's debut with the Canucks... Veronica recorded it for Eric, and we won 4-2 against Edmonton!
Tried opening my door once we got to our parking spot, but that didn't go too well since a big pile of snow was in the way! I just had to scramble out the driver's side, which was fine by me - then we walked across the street and up the stairs to safety. At least we didn't have to sign in with any security guard like last time: someone asked if we had them anymore, and I didn't think we did. Vivian wanted to take a picture of us, so Dylan and I mock-complained about not having time to do our hair and not wearing the right kind of clothing! (hey, we want to IMPRESS the newcomers, don't we?) Spent time talking about Fellowship stuff and people after having a reflection period: Alina is surprising... yay for appreciation! I had to restrain myself from correcting Dylan's grammar, haha. When Dylan suggested Richie for something, I immediately thought that he was TOO NEW because he's only been going to the Fellowship for about six weeks! (I didn't say anything about this, of course) I also thought someone else was too new at first, but then he grew on me. :D
After the meeting, I talked to Vivian about the snow - we've been basically stuck at home for the past two weeks or so! I wasn't going to refuse Andrea's kind offer to go grocery shopping with me, haha. Scrambled in through the driver's side again, and got branded a destroyer by Eric for my trouble - HA, I'LL DESTROY YOU! Discussed bling, the side door near the entrance, ice, dressing to impress, the 24 Sunday premiere email list which I'm somehow not on (darn Nathan), Burnaby, FARGO, "YA MARGIE! WAS HE FUNNY-LOOKING?!", noodles, being what you eat, the Used ripping off Radiohead, and other things. I guess I'll see him on Friday, which will be cool - I need to talk to Connie, too. Johnny and I have exchanged emails... the cups are still packed away according to my dad, and it's nice to have insider contacts whom you can call at 11 PM about things like this!
What the hell is with Gmail? The notification text is BACKWARDS!
POSITION (124 points) - against Anna J.
High-scoring words of the night so far:
MITTS (250 points) - against Sara K. [two 5W]
WINERY (120 points; 2W, 4W), POSITION (124 points; bingo, 4W, hook on ROSY to make OR and NO) - against Anna J.
BAYWOOD (180 points) - against Janet S. [5W, 2W]
DWARF (112 points) - against Evelyn D. [4W, 2W]
DAMP (116 points) - against Lea P. [4W, 3L on P, hook off VANE to make VANED] {this was a good word since it made up for the deficit I was running against her!}
Eric picked me up a little later than scheduled, but that was okay. I do appreciate not having to take the bus because of the snow, even if it is double the distance for him! As it is, the parking lot is still very slippery - I had to hold on to the car while he helped me IN the Parisienne. Told him not to park in the middle of the damn lot next time - I'll have to tell Henry and Ada that too on Saturday! Unfortunately, I brought up butt emissions (he said mine caused the outside fog! :P), and he had to activate the fart lever! Oh well, 'tis an old joke, haha! There was no time for him to eat dinner, so he had chicken-vegetable pizza at home. Talked about money, a supposed plot I have to murder Jeremy by peanut butter since he has an allergy to the stuff (NEVER!), who REALLY deserved to be murdered, my supposedly being a murderer and the worst kind of evil, PINKY AND THE BRAIN, not believing people, mini-rants, being too tired / too awake, sleeping in till 2 PM pre-Regina, and other things as well. Listened to a bit of Mats Sundin's debut with the Canucks... Veronica recorded it for Eric, and we won 4-2 against Edmonton!
Tried opening my door once we got to our parking spot, but that didn't go too well since a big pile of snow was in the way! I just had to scramble out the driver's side, which was fine by me - then we walked across the street and up the stairs to safety. At least we didn't have to sign in with any security guard like last time: someone asked if we had them anymore, and I didn't think we did. Vivian wanted to take a picture of us, so Dylan and I mock-complained about not having time to do our hair and not wearing the right kind of clothing! (hey, we want to IMPRESS the newcomers, don't we?) Spent time talking about Fellowship stuff and people after having a reflection period: Alina is surprising... yay for appreciation! I had to restrain myself from correcting Dylan's grammar, haha. When Dylan suggested Richie for something, I immediately thought that he was TOO NEW because he's only been going to the Fellowship for about six weeks! (I didn't say anything about this, of course) I also thought someone else was too new at first, but then he grew on me. :D
After the meeting, I talked to Vivian about the snow - we've been basically stuck at home for the past two weeks or so! I wasn't going to refuse Andrea's kind offer to go grocery shopping with me, haha. Scrambled in through the driver's side again, and got branded a destroyer by Eric for my trouble - HA, I'LL DESTROY YOU! Discussed bling, the side door near the entrance, ice, dressing to impress, the 24 Sunday premiere email list which I'm somehow not on (darn Nathan), Burnaby, FARGO, "YA MARGIE! WAS HE FUNNY-LOOKING?!", noodles, being what you eat, the Used ripping off Radiohead, and other things. I guess I'll see him on Friday, which will be cool - I need to talk to Connie, too. Johnny and I have exchanged emails... the cups are still packed away according to my dad, and it's nice to have insider contacts whom you can call at 11 PM about things like this!
What the hell is with Gmail? The notification text is BACKWARDS!
Labels: 24, bingo, dylan, eric m., evelyn, gmail, grammar, hockey, jeremy, johnny, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, nathan, pizza, raymond, rich, sara, snow, vivian l., wordscraper
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