Monday, January 05, 2009

This Tonks survey has too many love questions!

Another one from Sarah G. via Facebook:

1. Who is the first person you think of when someone asks you who you like? No idea!

2. Do you drool, snore, etc. in your sleep? I know I do!

3. Are you happy? More like content.

4. Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? Maybe. ;)

5. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you? The same thing, which would REALLY have created confusion in junior high!

6. Are you tan? No.

7. Hair color? Dark brown.

8. Confused about anything? Not right now.

9. Do you have any pets? Nope, they're not allowed in this apartment complex.

10. Do your initials spell anything? Not unless you speak some sort of alien language.

11. Last person you fought with? I'm proud of not really fighting with anyone, since I value tranquility in life. I guess the answer to this one would have to be Korey!

12. What's one thing you actually remember about kindergarten? Stephen H. comforting me on the playground... no, wait, that was Grade 1. Let's see... getting to play with my new friends at school!

13. Do you prefer to call or text someone? Call, I guess... although I can see the advantage of texting! (if you want to keep things all secret-like...)

14. What are you listening to? Bob Dylan, Ramblin' Gamblin' Willy.

15. Last movie you watched? Fargo.

16. What are you doing tomorrow? Not sure yet.

17. Are you excited for anything? Weddings, I guess...

18. What are you doing currently? Filling out this survey.

19. Is anything on your mind? Not really! I've cleared it!

20. Have you ever been given roses? Yup... yay for Chinese Eric!

21. What is your all-time favorite romance movie? Don't have one.

22. How many times have you honestly fallen in love? Maybe once.

23. What's your current problem? The stupid snow - it is impeding me from what I gotta do!

24. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not really.

25. Had a long-distance relationship? Yes, with Stephen and then Korey. It just doesn't work for me, I suppose.

26. How many kids do you want? MAYBE one.

27. At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? Nice question. How am I supposed to know?!

28. Are you happy with your love situation? WHAT love situation?!

29. Do you know someone who likes you? Nope, and that's good.

30. Do you like anyone? Not really.

31. When is the last time you cried? Ages ago!

32. Why? Stupid things going on in my life then.

33. Does anyone know you're crying when you are? ... what the heck. I'd say no.

34. Who is the last person you hugged? Chris, yesterday.

35. Have you ever been told you were pretty or cute? Sure.

36. Ever been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant? Not to my knowledge! o_O

37. When was the last time you wished you could change something? A few months ago... and I *did* change it! YAY! :D

38. What was your last nightmare? Don't remember.

39. Who do you tell every secret to? Nobody!

40. What are you currently waiting for? Nothing, really.

41. Last time in the hospital? December 2004, visiting brother.

42. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Nope!

43. Do you believe in a thing called love? Sure.

44. How old do you want to be when you have kids? NEVER!

45. Why did you smile last? Remembering a little kid's cuteness. :D

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