Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Déjà Poo, AKA Poo Of The Month! / Dream about poisoned apples

Poo nugget for Wednesday, January 14: Déjà Poo, AKA Poo Of The Month! Don't I Know You From Somewhere? A "Déjà Poo" is a bowel movement that has remarkably familiar portions of a recent meal embedded in it. This poo can include a potpourri of colors, often containing pieces of vegetables and other items that look as though they do not belong among the mass of poo in which they are entrenched.

Hmm. Two weird phone calls, one with a numeric coincidence / synchronicity. 1-234-567-8900 (Ohio) and 1-517-931-2223 (Michigan), anyone? I wouldn't believe the Ohio one had I not seen it on my Caller ID, hahaha!

I had a weird dream which started out with my shopping at a department store. While wandering around the store, I thought that the store had bras and clothing for sale, but it turned out that it was downsizing and didn't have those items in stock all the time anymore. I was trying to process that when Pat K. came up to me and offered to pay for my shopping - since that was seemingly very kind, I accepted. Little did I know that he wanted to get me to buy durian pancakes in yellow cardboard packaging! After that, we met Vivian S. / Dylan / Eric M. / Sam / Angus / my mom / other people outside - we all piled into a huge mobile home van, about to go somewhere.

Then Karla M. and Alice P. showed up, wanting us to investigate their clapboard house. Having nothing pressing to do other than go to a blue school with black windows, we went. Turns out they wanted us to read a story about how a boy named John was poisoned by some painted apples - seems his father wasn't alerted to it until he heard his son's death cry in the backyard. He rushed out, only to discover a lifeless John (with a sledgehammer!) lolling in a backyard lounge chair, with a dead huge black man nearby. Of course they pieced together what had happened from that scene: the black man had given John the poisoned apple, and then gotten DEATH VIA SLEDGEHAMMER for his efforts!

After that very amusing diversion, we all piled into the van - Mom insisted on getting us some water first, but then we left her at the place we went to get such libations... oops. Viv wanted to undress in the mobile home van, but we told her to at least do it behind a screen. Later, we went to the school, where we sat on picnic tables and mused about staying out over a few days. We were in Nanaimo, according to a green-and-white sign nearby - eventually, we figured that it didn't matter. Then we started singing songs written on yellow paper that Dylan had brought along for the journey. I couldn't see too much due to the angle at which I was sitting, but could muddle along fine with a certain someone by my side, hehe! That was where the dream ended, too.

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