Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting married to someone I just met...

I had a dream that I got married to someone very suddenly. He saw me at a beach event, and took an instant fancy to me. For my part, I wanted to get to know him first. Unfortunately, there wasn't much time for that as he had to leave for Europe fairly soon afterwards. We got together at a spot someplace removed from our friends, where he told me that he'd always treat me right. In the dream, I was very taken by his earnest sincerity and willingness to do whatever it took to make me comfortable. He wrote me a note saying that it wasn't about mind-blowing things, and he'd be very gentle nonetheless. I found this very refreshing, but still hesitated because I knew what my parents would think. He calmed me, and said that he'd be there when we told them together. I instinctively believed him, and accepted the terms of his proposal. We went back to the larger group, holding hands.

Later, we were sleeping at a friend's house - he was at opposite ends of a couch with another girl. When I sat by him on the floor, he opened one eye; that looked cute, especially with his curly hair! He took both of my hands in his, knowing that we couldn't lie with each other. To satisfy my need for a proposal, he whispered one to me - I accepted. The next day, we went to see my parents. As expected, they were very dubious about it! For support, he put an arm around me and stilled my trembling hands in one of his. (we had to stand through this whole thing!) Then we formally addressed our parents, who figured we were old enough to know what we were doing. They did ask how we knew so fast, but I brought up examples from royalty, who were often forced into arranged marriages without even seeing their intended spouse - this would go better! Mom wanted to give us a thick coat for warmth outside, but Dad wanted us to prove something first. Eventually, she gave it to us out of his sight! We were telling our friends (who gave us a slightly better reception) when the lovely dream ended.

No clue what triggered this, unless it's my thoughts lately! While that would be nice to have happen in real life, it would be far more complicated than the dream made it seem! Guess it's related to this dream somehow, only now I have more of a basis for it? Heh, I dunno. My subconscious knows what I want, at least! (no hard feelings as far as Stephen is concerned - he was a nice guy, after all)

Writer's Block: Your Invention...
If you could invent one thing and make it a reality, what would it be? Why?

A time machine! (if you screwed up something, you could simply go back in time and fix your mistake... or go to other parts of history just for fun!) Reminds me of my old away message: "Right now, I am making a time machine (or a thermonuclear device; you choose) using nothing but matchheads, rubber bands.. and bits of plywood! So leave a message if you like, and I'll get back to you when I'm finished! Of course, I make no guarantees, though.. :D" (inspired by a conversation SPOZ and I were having once, hahaha!) There's also the "I am not here... I am elsewhere..." construct!

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