Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just like Dilys, there can only be one SHIMMER!

Bingo of the day so far:

GLADNESS (83 points) - against Pat K. [on a triple-word score]

At least I know what to do now!

Michael M. played ZA off my ZAS - yay for quirkiness!

Steph saw Alan's cousin Shimmer at her physical - haha, there can only be one person with that name out there! Yup, she goes to Alan's church and looked familiar to him. Speaking of people looking familiar, I saw Brock from Seaport on the bus coming over to the townhouse. I didn't say anything to him, but it was fine!

Since I need to get Hanson out of my head, I loaded up Children of Bodom on Youtube. Barely a minute into the song, my mom made a moue of distaste. Twenty seconds later, she asked me in a horrified tone of voice: "What kind of music is THIS?!" Then I had to laugh a lot, which Mom was afraid would wake Steph up. Hahahaha! A bunch of Matthew Good (Band) videos are no longer available, so I'll go with the Smashing Pumpkins instead for now - DISARM, 1979, and more... here we come! Mom, on TONIGHT TONIGHT: "Is it a kids' song?" Um, not exactly... o_O

Asked my mom why she was looking up cemeteries in Surrey, since I saw graveyard-related stuff on her desk. Grandma's talking about death now, so wants Mom to look into it. At least she's kinda open to discussing the subject - her friends have been dying a lot recently, so that'll do it.

Talking to Corey about antenna boosters made of cardboard and foil, which do absolutely nothing in terms of bettering a wireless connection. He suggested the Cramps before he went to get his hair all cut off - time for a shower to get the annoying loose hair on the back of your neck OUTTA THERE, baby!

Corey says: well, tell it to work better
Corey says: you can do what I did and make an antenna booster out of cardboard and foil and then watch as it does absolutely nothing! :P
Flami says: hahaha, sure
Corey says: I had my wireless connection fixed in my room (I have a second router in my room that operates as a bridge... basically, it just gets the signal from the other router (wirelessly), and then passes it on to other computers, but they have to be on a network cable. that works WAY better than the antenna on my laptop
Corey says: I did that to get my Xbox 360 online without spending $100 for Microsoft's wifi adapter, which is ridiculously expensive, but it also fixed the wireless connection to my laptop, which was a nice bonus
Flami says: hey, that does sound like a cool bonus!
Corey says: so go buy extra wireless routers that are flashable to DD-WRT firmware, and have them talk to each other to give you a better signal :P
Corey says: I also learned a bunch of ways to break someone's arm today (I haven't gotten to the leg and neck stuff yet), so if you need anyone's arm torn out of their socket, let me know

Grandma, on hearing me laugh at the above lines: "What happened that's so funny? Did you find your FRIEND?" No, I didn't... it's too complicated to explain to her anyhow. :P

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