Saturday, May 17, 2008

Durian conspiracies, Ministry, and hash browns in subs

I've found a solution for my dearth of music here: YOUTUBE! Yay for that! Hopefully, I won't have certain things in my head all the time now.... :P (Ministry did a cover of Bob Dylan's Lay Lady Lay... sweet!)

Haha, these responses to the Sunday Dinner Evite are most amusing. Tony, Jon, and Christon are the only definite people saying yes. Dylan senses a durian conspiracy, and Dilys finds it a bit creepy that it's in her building! Sam is confused since it's at Lesley's place, but she herself can't make it. Raymond might come after hot pot for a bachelor dinner - now that's something unusual! Steph's leaving for Phoenix at 5 the next morning, and a bunch of people haven't replied either.

I wonder how Alex and Stephen are doing - haven't seen Alex in ages, and it was Stephen's birthday yesterday. Maybe I'll ask Helen if she's heard from Alex - it was good times with him, for sure! As for Stephen, I have no way of getting in touch with him - wonder if things would be different had I accepted his offer three years ago. I just hope they're both doing well, is all.

Had a dream where I was hanging out with a bunch of friends at someone's house. Jen was looking for hash browns in our freezer, but Steph could only find stuff in a big green bowl which contained shredded cheese. There were hash browns in the big subs, Steph informed her. She thought that would be okay, so took those to the living room. Dawn was wearing a black-and-white striped shirt with blue jeans, and was ranting at all of us about work and life's vicissitudes. Alan and Eric were playing a video game with the guys, but Tracy insisted that he do some dishes.

After conferring with Eric as to the location of Sarah and the eagle (important things in the game), he bugged Eric to play for him. "The eagle's THERE?! You mean where the red light is?! Whoa!" Jeremy and Jon were pouring beer for us: instead of an amber liquid, it looked curiously brown! I told them to be careful not to get it on the grey fuzzy couch or the blue Nintendo DS systems lying around. Jon decided to use a soup ladle with a slotted hole to give me more beer, and that's when it felt right for our secret crushes to show up and give us loving attention all around. I woke up because of the muted sound of the phone ringing downstairs, but it's all good. Now Grandma's out for the day (phew?), and we'll see what happens later!

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