Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sushi and Awana: fat is emergency storage!

Met Eric's friends Ryan and Alison today, along with their toddler Jeremy. They seem nice, and they believe K's a lucky man. Talked about life, Megan, changes, church stuff, family, sushi, and more prior to Eric coming over to my place to pick up some stuff. Then I went to Awana, where I talked to Henry about sushi at Lansdowne. (then he bugged Julie about parking, haha) It was "100 Night," where the kids had to bring 100 of something... noodles, buttons, dollars, whatever. I remarked to Mike that I should have saved my boyfriend's change just for this time, but then he (the boyfriend) would justifiably wonder where it had gone two weeks ago! Mike wondered why K had 300 coins to start with, and why he kept them all - I can't say, but I'm glad I managed to exchange them all for something way more portable!

Asked Henry for a ride home, and got a hug from David's son Ian... he's so cute! (Auntie May wants to bring him to Awana so he can learn some Chinese - English is spoken at home primarily!) Andrea brought her cousin too! (her aunt is her mom's sister) Listened to Sabrina and Henry bantering while talking about Pizza Hut / London Drugs / working / French / masculine-feminine (HOT) / Vera's Burger Shack / Wendy's / McRibbers, haha. Quite the good end to the day - even if it WAS busy!

Sabrina: "He's so fat!"
Henry: "I am not - when the world ends, I'll have a store of stuff to use in an emergency!"
Me: "Henry is NOT fat!"
Sabrina: "You've obviously never pinched his stomach, then!"
Me: "I don't know him well enough to do that!"

Sabrina: "Thought you were going to go golfing and bowling tomorrow!"
Henry: "Can't - I have Sunday School."
Sabrina: "Right... too bad you go to the English side!"
Henry: "Hey! There's nothing wrong with that! Leslie, tell her that the English side is better!"
Me: "I haven't been to both, so can't say..."
Henry: "Doesn't matter - just agree with me!"
Me: "Okay... I agree with Henry then!"
Sabrina: "You're both nuts!"

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